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A Real Life Spanking

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Male Author

Posts: 1009
#51 | Posted: 10 Mar 2016 10:48
The reason? It teaches students that life is not fair.

My son went to a fee paying school and I came to the conclusion that they played rugby instead of the more popular association football for exactly this reason.

The rules are so complex, and the action is so confused that at any moment the ref can penalise just about anyone involved in the action. I would say that every time I picked him up from a rugby match he had some complaint about the refereeing being unfair regardless of the result of the match (and he stopped playing club rugby because of exactly this).

Male Author

Posts: 47
#52 | Posted: 10 Mar 2016 13:17
Life isn't fair - but injustice thrives if we just embrace this. I think that is your point Goodgulf. Justice must not only be done, but it must be seen to be done.

To link this to the topic in hand. I used to sit next to a girl in secondary school biology. She hated me and it took a while for us to find common ground - our teacher loved mixing up groups and forcing people to work together.

Finally we got talking about injustice and how mean the teacher was, this led to another conversation. She told me that she had previously been to a private school where they used the 'bat.' She didn't explain but I guess it must have been a kind of paddle for spanking. Incidentally, this was in England and I have never heard of anyone else using a paddle for school punishment.

She got this 'bat' twice, once for being out of class even though she was just delivering a message for a teacher. She hated and resented that spanking but was casually accepting of her next encounter which she said she deserved.

Even then I was obsessed with CP and I remember I tried to get details but unfortunately she remember she didn't like me and changed the subject.

A case of accepting fairness and resenting unfairness.

Male Author

Posts: 549
#53 | Posted: 11 Mar 2016 12:19
@DJB, Miniature cricket bats (rather than paddles) were often used for CP in English schools. I went to a mixed senior school and I think the girls used them when they played rounders. I can confirm that they stung like hell - the voice of experience.

Male Author

Posts: 815
#54 | Posted: 11 Mar 2016 17:00
Mention of a cricket bat used for spanking reminds me of something I saw once about where a guy who streaked a cricket game got a whack on his bare butt with a cricket bat from one of the players.
Just imagine if it had turned into a full fledge spanking! What a sight that would have been!
Would doubtless have discouraged any of his friends from streaking a cricket match, especially after they saw him taking his meals standing at the mantelpiece.

Male Author

Posts: 47
#55 | Posted: 12 Mar 2016 13:46
Thanks Hotspur - that fits and I hadn't heard of that before.

Male Author


Posts: 2057
#56 | Posted: 14 Mar 2016 00:44
The cricket match spanking of the streaker you mention may have been Greg Chappell who was the batsman and I think it was at a game in NZ. It didn't discourage the practice, though. What did put a stop to it here anyway was increasing the fines for doing it significantly. I knew a lady who said that they were paddled at school with a rounders bat, which is kind of like a short cricket bat, but doesn't have the roof or the curve and resembles a paddle. As years ago rounders was played at nearly every primary school in the Commonwealth (with the exception of Canada) that may have been what this lady meant by using the 'bat' to punish with.

Male Author

Posts: 47
#57 | Posted: 14 Mar 2016 12:43
This talks of cricket prompts me to share this.

I used to know a senior steward from the Oval (we drank in the same pub) he told me about a 19-year-old streaker who disrupted a match. He and two police officers escorted the girl to the changing rooms dressed only in one of the officer's tunic.

Once there she was taken into custody by the woman who looked after the locker room for the players, who much to his and the officer's amusement pushed the blushing girl through the door while slapping her bottom saying: "You naughty, naughty girl."

A short while later the police officer asked if he might have his jacket back. So the steward set off back to the locker room to retrieve it. He assumed that by then the locker room manager would have found something for the girl to wear. Instead when he entered the room the poor girl was draped over the matron's lap getting the spanking of her life. He crept out and left them to it.

He told this as a funny pub story, I don't think he was a spanko himself.

Male Author

Posts: 1009
#58 | Posted: 14 Mar 2016 13:31
What a great story, but there is a small flaw in the logic if that was a scheme to reduce the incidence of streaking, which is to say that there might be a queue of spankos stripping off hoping to get their bottoms warmed by the lady in question.

Male Author

Posts: 47
#59 | Posted: 14 Mar 2016 16:41
Lol - if only the world was like that - I think the semi-drunken brat got herself over her head.

I don't think this was a policy decision - it certainly didn't happen in the public domain - apart from my acquaintance, who was accidental witness, I gather that this was just between the girl and an rather old-fashioned battleaxe who worked in the changing rooms.

In any case, old fashioned spank-for-discipline types don't think like that - it wouldn't have occurred to the woman I don't suppose that anyone would have enjoyed.

Female Member

Posts: 6
#60 | Posted: 2 Jun 2016 23:51
My dad was a military man. Both he and my mother went to boarding schools which used CP as a matter of course. Consequently this practice was also routine for me and for my much older(by 15 yrs) sister. I got my first really hard spanking at 8 as prior to that I had received only swats on the bottom or legs. My mum gave me a few such punishments over a period of the next few years. As my parents were away a lot my sister took over. She was far more severe and always spanked me bare, after my bath and before bed. By accident I discovered, when going to the loo after a getting a very sore bottom, that my sister had left her bedroom door slightly ajar and the noises of pleasure drew me to peep and see her humping her pillow...although I didn't understand this at the time. This happened after every session and I realised that she enjoyed punishing me. When staying with her I got spanked most nights. I was now 10 and she 25. Bare against her lap I started to have strange feelings and soon I was humping my pillow too. We never discussed this or acknowledged our private and secret pleasures.

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