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Sense of pride

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Male Author


Posts: 420
#1 | Posted: 25 Mar 2024 18:09
Ok, I'm digging a bit deep here. This is for you authors. Do you have any works posted here or elsewhere you take serious pride in having done. The pride can be in the workmanship gone into crafting the story, in covering a subject, (well. beyond the obvious), that is important or meaningful to you, from comments others have made about the story being meaningful to them. It can simply be pride in a job well done. It can be a story that was written in fun and was fun to write.

I'm giving you a forum here to pat yourselves on the back for something that was very meaningful to you.

Just to start this off, I'll start with two of my own, "Unjustly Tried, And Convicted," is about an older man who is accused of sexual harassment, and the accusation is false. The other is, "Feeling Guilty" about a high school girl who enjoys the sight and sound of others being punished, but not her own punishments, and feels guilty about finding pleasure is others pain. A fun one was "Break In," a tongue in cheek tale about a man who breaks into the LIbrary of Spanking Fiction and is suitably punished by some validators.

Male Author

Posts: 48
#2 | Posted: 25 Mar 2024 19:44
stevenr: Very interesting premise and invitation. As a writer, I try to put my best effort into every story, series, and novella I contribute or offer. With that said, the one I poured my heart and soul into was Hitchhiking to Woodstock. I grew up in the 1960s and particularly enjoyed writing this little piece of history.

Thanks for suggesting the forum, and thanks to all you readers who make the effort worthwhile.

Male Author

Posts: 1041
#3 | Posted: 25 Mar 2024 20:59
Oh shit, you did this just to make me realize how conceited I am! How shall I manage to restrict myself to only three (or was it two?) Ok, here goes:

1. "Coming of Age": This is really two stories, but as they describe the same events from two different perspectives, I'll count them as one. It's for those of you who would like to experience a Norwegian summer, but thinks it's too expensive. Here is the free version, and as an extra you get a birching of a bright and attractive girl from two different angles.

2. "Not Exactly Something to Be Proud of": I haven't read this for a long time, but I used to like it a lot, and the title seems to fit right into this challenge. It's also a coming of age story, but of a slightly younger age than the previous story.

3. "Botticelli Eyes": I'm not quite sure this belongs here, but I'm offended by the low number of reads; it's as if people can smell that it's really a boring treatise on art history. But it does have my most scandalous ending ...

Male Author


Posts: 130
#4 | Posted: 25 Mar 2024 22:13
Although it hasn't gathered a lot of views (perhaps because it's a lot of backstory and short on action), I did a quite a bit of historical research for my story "The Pictures of Dorian Grey's Granddaughter". I wish I had the inspiration to continue it, but nothing has really charged me up to revisit it.

Male Author


Posts: 420
#5 | Posted: 25 Mar 2024 22:19
Oh shit, you did this just to make me realize how conceited I am! How shall I manage to restrict myself to only three (or was it two?) Ok, here goes:

Actually, no I didn't. Actually, I was afraid of people thinking that I'm trying to blow my own horn. No, I was wondering, really wondering what stories you've written you're particularly proud of, or put your heart and soul into.

Male Author

Posts: 1041
#6 | Posted: 25 Mar 2024 22:30
Actually, no I didn't. Actually, I was afraid of people thinking that I'm trying to blow my own horn. No, I was wondering, really wondering what stories you've written you're particularly proud of, or put your heart and soul into.

I'm sure you didn't, it just felt that way as I was trying to make up my mind. Great initiative!

Male Author


Posts: 420
#7 | Posted: 26 Mar 2024 00:43
I'm sure you didn't, it just felt that way as I was trying to make up my mind. Great initiative!

I'm sure it did, whenever I evaluate my work it makes me feel a bit conceited, particularly if I'm evaluating it publicly.

Male Author


Posts: 2981
#8 | Posted: 26 Mar 2024 01:51
About half of my work I'm really, really proud of. The other half is garbage. Don't make me say which is which.

Male Author


Posts: 2057
#9 | Posted: 26 Mar 2024 06:50
That’s actually a tough question. I’ve got a sense of pride about everything I’ve written. I wouldn’t post it here if I wasn’t.

Female Member

Posts: 78
#10 | Posted: 26 Mar 2024 07:27
I enjoy the process of writing. Frankly I think most of it is rubbish, but occasionally I am a little proud, yes. But that is not the main driver by any stretch of the imagination.

As a rule of thumb, both here and elsewhere, if I re-read something I have written a few months later and it gives me a tingle down below, I know that's a good one. If not, crap!

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