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Sweet Tartan

Male Author

Posts: 1015
#1 | Posted: 20 Jul 2011 18:21
While on a walking holiday in the Scottish Highlands, I wrote verse and jokes on spanking themes. I'm transcribing a very long policewoman poem bit by bit. In the meantime, you're about to see a much shorter one, "Sweet Tartan", a multicultural poem about the Highlands. Writing verse is a fun challenge, but the form does limit you: for example, descriptions either go on forever or convey far less information than spanking prose might, and characterisation tends to be sketchy. I'm pleased, then, that "Sweet Tartan" conveys, I think, some characters quite well - an energetic, moody teenage girl; a doting and supportive dad possibly just a tad too close to his daughter; a straightforward and passionate young man; a mean, devious but not very intelligent girl rival; and even, though she only appears in a brief reference by the dad, a suggestion that his wife is made of sterner stuff than he is.
