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Spanking questions for Ayn Rand fans

Male Member


Posts: 438
#1 | Posted: 2 Oct 2010 04:52
All you Ayn Rand fans out there (and there have to be at least a few of you, Ayn Rand is everywhere in the culture nowadays) - which character in Ayn Rand´s novels do you think would have been most likely to be a spanker - and which a spankee?

I think that the most likely spanker would have been Howard Roark. He was such a "dominant". personality. I can easily picture him putting Dominique Francon over his knee. And of course, Peter Keating was much too much of a wimp to do any spanking. Francisco would have made the best spanker in Atlas Shrugged. He was a macho type of man.

The best spankee in Ayn Rand´s novels would have been, I think, Dominique. She was much more "naughty" than, for example, Dagny Taggart. But comrade Sonia in We the Living could really have used a good spanking! Reds need red bottoms! Andrei would have redeemed himself if he had given the spankings comrade Sonia needed to her! And Lilian Rearden in Atlas Shrugged really needed a good, hard spanking also. There should have been some domestic discipline in Hank Rearden´s marriage! Even though it would not have been enough to save that tragic marriage.

Male Member


Posts: 438
#2 | Posted: 2 Oct 2010 09:45
I am wondering when Leonard Peikoff is going to get off his a-s and write that book which sorely needs to be written. You know, the one with the title "Rational Spanking". Now, spanking - *that* is a subject which any philosophy worth the name must have something to say about! I am mystified by the fact that I cannot find any treatises on spanking in any of the works of Ayn Rand. How in the world could she write so many (probably more than a hundred) essays and novels without touching on the subject of *spanking*?

Well, when Ayn Rand´s intellectual heir, Leonard Peikoff, finally gets around to writing that book I am sure that the earth will shake. Or at least a few booties will quiver and shake under the onslaught of their tops´ "reason conjoined with force". The basic principles behind "rational spanking" will, I venture to say (despite the fact that I am only a layman Objectivist), be - "The hand must be guided by the mind - towards that final cause - which is those oh-so inviting hemispheres. And the ultimate purpose of spanking must be the individual´s *own* egoistic happiness. Of course, when a top and a bottom love each other, the top´s happiness requires that the bottom be happy also. So there is no conflict of interest between a rational spanker and a rational spankee. The benevolent universe principle applies to spanking just as much as it does to everything else in man´s life". There - impressive isn´t it? I am one helluva of an Objectivist philosopher! And I´m a spanko too. "There´s all sorts" - as we say here in Sweden.