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Jeannie's Wish is finished at last!

Male Author

Posts: 1009
#1 | Posted: 29 Apr 2012 11:23
As the subject line says, the story which I have been unable to finish for the past two years has finally succumbed and it is now ready to launch upon an unexpecting and undeserving world.

The only problem is, it's not about spanking (there are a few references) but about kink and the reaction to it. Therefore it doesn't belong in the KLSF. It's 13 000 words long and does not in my opinion represent my best work

Any suggestions for places to post it are welcome, and if anyone wants to waste an hour of their lives reading it then send me a pm.

Now I can do other things without feeling the vague guilt that an unfinished story can engender

Female Author

Posts: 801
#2 | Posted: 29 Apr 2012 11:32
Wow opb You have written a novella!! 13,000 words is a major endeavour. I shall look forward to reading it!! Anything kinky with a hint of spanking sounds good to me hehe

Male Author

Posts: 1697
#3 | Posted: 29 Apr 2012 17:21

Sounds like it would be a good candidate for the next WRW. Send it in and see what Flopsy and Febs say.

The only problem is, it's not about spanking (there are a few references) but about kink and the reaction to it. Therefore it doesn't belong in the KLSF. It's 13 000 words long and does not in my opinion represent my best work

Another good reason to try the WRW. Maybe it doesn't represent your best work 'as a story', but it just may represent a good piece of work as an article. You may have to shift some words around a bit to make it look like an article. It took this much time for you to do this, what's a few more days to make it not only work, but worth your time?

Once again, just my opinion.


Female Validater

Posts: 536
#4 | Posted: 29 Apr 2012 17:40
You can post original fiction on (a sister site to Although kinky stories are in the minority there, I know some spanky fiction and other erotica have been posted on the site. You'd have to figure out though which genre to classify it under so you can attract readers who would enjoy this story. I know Lawrence Kinden from the LSF has stories posted there, mainly under "General" or "Romance." You can use the Search feature on the site, entering 'kinky' key words which might help you find other similarly-themed stories to yours to see how they're classified.

Another option, of course, is to create a personal blog on and post your stories there. But that would only attract an audience whom you've given the blog address to, not the general reading public.

Male Author

Posts: 1009
#5 | Posted: 29 Apr 2012 21:09
Thanks Janine, I do have an account at FanFiction, but I've not posted anything there as all my best stuff is spanking related and they don't seem to appreciate over 18 material

Male Author

Posts: 365
#6 | Posted: 29 Apr 2012 21:59
Opb, try Stories on Line. It's very friendly to kinky stories and has a very interesting authors statistics and evaluation page.

Female Author

Posts: 494
#7 | Posted: 1 May 2012 19:41
That is an excellent suggestion,
Opb, try Stories on Line.

they accept all kinds of kinks, it seems like a pretty well managed site. Nothing like this one, though. I have a membership there, let me know if you post it, I''ll pop over and read it there.

Male Author

Posts: 1495
#8 | Posted: 1 May 2012 20:07
try Stories on Line.

Yet another possibility is to make your own story archive site at Your stories will be searchable on Google (at least eventually) plus you can always link to them. As a side benefit, you can post a blurb to attract readers to the LSF.