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old time authors

Male Author

Posts: 124
#1 | Posted: 11 Apr 2011 00:16
In the heyday of Mr. Magazine, '60s and early '70s, they would run an occasional story by Mort Castle. Although Mr ran a number of short stories by various authors, MC was notable in being one of the few writing spanking stories and the only one whose spanking fiction was reliably of high quality. His stories could reasonably described as short stories with a spanking, rather than spanking short story. Usually the story could stand alone without the spanking and the spanking was described in a way to appeal to Library readers.
Thinking of him, I went to my friend Mr. Google and found that he is, today, an established author of horror stories with an interest in comics, he also teaches writing. Oddly, his website makes no mention of Mr. nor spanking, nonetheless it is good to see one of our boys made it.

Male Member

Posts: 513
#2 | Posted: 11 Apr 2011 12:04
Thanks cfpub!