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Plot suggestions

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Male Member

Posts: 45
#1 | Posted: 21 Aug 2010 08:23
i have a proposal to put forward for discussion :

i think that in this genre of literature, much more than in others, to meet the reader's expectations is the essential element of the entire process, so:

why do not permit the reader suggest the principal element of the plot (corresponding his fantasy) to the authors?
A sort of commission to write a story for a reader

Male Author

Posts: 1495
#2 | Posted: 21 Aug 2010 12:54
why do not permit the reader suggest the principal element of the plot (corresponding his fantasy) to the authors? A sort of commission to write a story for a reader

Forgive me but don't we have that already? The storyboard or smalltalk forums?

Male Member

Posts: 45
#3 | Posted: 21 Aug 2010 17:12
sorry...I'm a very fresh member. Do you mean that in the library there are stories expressly created for satisfy the fantasy of a particular reader?

Male Author

Posts: 696
#4 | Posted: 21 Aug 2010 18:12
I think what dicyverges is asking for is a thread where people can put forward story ideas for other people to use.

As it happens, I've done this very thing on another forum. That particular forum doesn't get much traffic, so the thread wasn't used much, but it was used a little, and was very enjoyable. The rules were thus:

1. You can post a request for a spanking situation to be story-fied. It can be as vague or as detailed a premise as you want.

2. You must reply if you plan to respond to someone else's prompt to let them know you are using it.

3. Multiple people can take the same prompt; its fun to see the different spins people might put on the same request.

4. You CANNOT respond to your own prompt.

I'd be up for playing that game here, although I'm a bit bogged down under other stories right now so I'm more likely to post requests than reply to them.

Male Member

Posts: 45
#5 | Posted: 21 Aug 2010 18:19

Thank you SNM for your help.
I completely agree with you.

Male Author

Posts: 77
#6 | Posted: 22 Aug 2010 00:34
Did you have any plot in mind dicyverges?

Male Author


Posts: 215
#7 | Posted: 22 Aug 2010 02:00
sorry...I'm a very fresh member. Do you mean that in the library there are stories expressly created for satisfy the fantasy of a particular reader?

I just finished writing one for Aurora. I'll leave it to her as to whether she wants to share it with the group though. I also have a story in the library called The Misadventures of Heather and Ashley, that was written for a friend on another site.

Male Author


Posts: 1173
#8 | Posted: 22 Aug 2010 03:53
i have a proposal to put forward for discussion :

i think that in this genre of literature, much more than in others, to meet the reader's expectations is the essential element of the entire process, so:

why do not permit the reader suggest the principal element of the plot (corresponding his fantasy) to the authors?
A sort of commission to write a story for a reader

Well, this has been asked/suggested on numerous other spanking-oriented forums and groups IIRC.

I'd venture that if you have a good plot idea for a spanking story that you'd like to see written by someone other than yourself, you could post it here and see if anyone's interested in writing it. How specific would you want to be in outlining the plot anyway?

Of course, authors do have their own plotlines that they may be more inclined to pursue so you may or may not find someone to write the story you've suggested.

(I'll infrequently write a story--usually a followup/sequel to an earlier one--based on a plot idea suggested by a reader, but I generally prefer my own plots, I don't lack story ideas as much as the time, focus and energy to do the actual writing.)

It might be better to just provide a very general topic (like in the story contests here) and see where different writers will take it, there would likely be more participation that way ... --C.K.

Male Author


Posts: 2031
#9 | Posted: 22 Aug 2010 05:49
If anybody is looking for a plot suggestion try this: Pride & Prejudice. I've just reread this and seen the Kiera Knightley film and with the possible exception of Charlotte Lucas nearly every girl in this book needs to be soundly spanked multiple times throughout the book. It's been rewritten with Zombies, so maybe another rewrite with spankings would work.

Male Member

Posts: 45
#10 | Posted: 22 Aug 2010 08:16
I would read a story like this:

the main characters: a shy, almost feminine plump bottomed teenaged boy and the girl he is in love with (older than him)
the action: in the '50 years, the boy dream about is love (he fantasize seeing himself as an hero, as
an intrepid knight spending his life defending his dame) his strange behavior ,his shyness, his ambiguous nature (and anatomy) excite the curiosity of the girl.
The boy lives in a dream world, but the cruel concreteness of his body ,his ample feminine bottom (he haven't a real perception of it, in his mind he see himself like the heroes he read about in his adventure's book) will bring him back to the reality.
The girl will become his cruel young mistress and he'll accept his inverted role knowing that the humiliation of the spanking, the shame he feel exposing his resilient ample buttocks to her mocking gaze and cruel comments is the price to pay for get her attention..

more than the concrete actions and plot development i suggest a particular situation and a brief psychological portrait of the characters

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