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Pamela & Richard (Discussion)

Male Author

Posts: 172
#1 | Posted: 7 Apr 2015 06:11
I'm starting this thread in the Storyboard forum for discussion about my "Pamela & Richard" serial. I originally started a thread about it, before posting the first chapter, in the hopes that simply posting what I had might help to break the "writer's block" I've had with this story. I wrote the existing seven chapters about ten years ago, but then "real life" diverted my attention for a while, and when I tried to come back to the story I just couldn't get back into the right frame of mind. Repeated attempts over the following years ended with the same result.

But, thinking that my lack of an audience might have been part of the problem, now that I have an audience here I might be more encouraged to write. Or at least be too embarrassed to leave a published story unfinished :D I can say that I've noticed the same thing with my music. My town used to have a thriving live music scene, and in my twenties I was very active in it, playing guitar and bass, and singing. Sadly, that scene has died off, with most bars replacing live bands with karaoke machines. My own music has paralleled that. My guitar and bass are largely neglected these days, since I don't have an audience for them. I've resorted to focusing on my singing, because karaoke is the only opportunity I have left here. Though that is good in its way.

Basically, I'm a "performer", and performers need an audience. And, I consider writing to be a type of performance.

Anyway, I wanted to move the actual story discussion into a new thread, since the original thread has moved away from the "writer's block" topic. The original thread was here, if you'd like to get caught up:

Male Author

Posts: 172
#2 | Posted: 7 Apr 2015 06:22
I'll start with my own comments on the most recently-posted chapter, Chapter Six: The Reason, since that's where the previous thread left off. But feel free to comment upon any of the previous chapters.

I see from the comment notifications in my e-mail that Chapter Six went up more quickly then I expected.

I hope this chapter provides some deeper insight into Pamela's mental state and personality. Her spanking scene at the end of the chapter was one of the most difficult things I've ever written, because I was trying to find a balance between a spanking that would be entertaining to readers, and conveying Pamela's mental and emotional states. Some of the comments I've read revolve around Pamela "enjoying" being spanked. I'm not so sure that she does. I think she doesn't "enjoy" them so much as she "needs" them, for some as-yet-unspecified reason.