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So you key in "Daddy" and ...

Male Author

Posts: 317
#1 | Posted: 13 Oct 2013 17:49 Bookseller-apologises-sales-sick-ebooks-revealed.html

Goodness me, I'm sure glad I don't get to read any of these sick vile fantasies about Daddy Doms and littles anywhere. Next they'll be telling me that if I go on the internet to buy some candy canes to put on the Christmas tree I'll end up tied up in somebody's dungeon.

Male Member

Posts: 938
#2 | Posted: 13 Oct 2013 19:43
I agree that this looks pretty vile. I hate to see it. It makes me cringe. And the retailer will no doubt take action. The problem is that it usually results in overreaction. What will get swept up in the net is garden variety adult erotica. I've already seen reports in some discussion groups I monitor that Amazon is purging titles, and not just the most obvious and blatant material, but erotic romance as well. Spanking will surely be on their radar.

I agree that the vendors should keep explicit material out of reach of children and should use a software that will separate quests for children books from quest for porno material.

It shouldn't be too difficult. - technically speaking.

Male Member

Posts: 938
#3 | Posted: 14 Oct 2013 18:07
I was informed this morning that Kobo is pulling ALL titles that are considered to be ANY type of erotica. Can Amazon UK be very far behind? I do know that Amazon is purging its catalog, but their criteria are less than clear. It's not just the usual suspects---rape, incest, bestiality. There is dubcon, barely legal, and age play. Stay tuned. This is just getting started.

Male Member

Posts: 938
#4 | Posted: 14 Oct 2013 22:18
Update--Kobo has eliminated all titles by self-published authors in reaction to the aforementioned stories in the British press. The panic is on.