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The Spy Who Spanked Me!

Female Head Librarian


Posts: 2138
#1 | Posted: 30 May 2013 19:52
by Geraldine Hillis

Kitty Wantsmore is a trainee spy, overly enthusiastic and fresh out of spy school, who turns up for work in a skin tight red dress and five inch heels. Agent Jim Pond is not impressed and gives her a less obtrusive old raincoat to wear over the top of her glamorous outfit. Kitty's first assignment is to follow a balding middle aged man. She gets tired, soaking wet, and very fed up, particularly when each day brings more of the same - her work is dull and uninspiring. By Saturday night she is bored rigid and leaves her post early. Returning home, she relaxes in a hot bath, dresses to kill in the red dress, and heads off to an expensive restaurant. But her plans for dining out in style do not come to fruition as Mr Pond turns up at the restaurant brandishing a tawse, which he uses to great effect on her bare bottom!

In addition, this compilation contains 12 other short stories.

An LSF Publications spanking romance ebook.

Click here for further info.

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