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A thank-you and some thoughts about active participation

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Male Member

Posts: 791
#21 | Posted: 10 Mar 2023 20:55
I agree, very good points. Also, if I were an author, the feedback would be invaluable.

Male Author


Posts: 2977
#22 | Posted: 10 Mar 2023 23:04
You don't necessarily know which authors aren't active here. Authors may not have submitted any work in a while, but may still frequent the library, occasionally with a member name different from their author's name. They can still appreciate comments, and even respond to them. Those who are known to be deceased, on the other hand...

Female Author


Posts: 237
#23 | Posted: 10 Mar 2023 23:40
Even with a deceased author, I still comment if I like the story. For me comments are to thank the author and to recommend a story to other potential readers. I usually look through recent comments to help myself choose what to read.

Male Member


Posts: 44
#24 | Posted: 11 Mar 2023 00:43

I agree with you and Diana Miller. I have discovered some of my favorite authors from the reader's comments on the author's back catalog. So, comments are even more powerful than anyone originally thought!

Male Member

Posts: 791
#25 | Posted: 11 Mar 2023 04:34
The comments help me decide as well. So it isn't a futile action.

Female Author

Posts: 105
#26 | Posted: 11 Mar 2023 09:14
I didn't mean authors who haven't contributed new stories in while but who still visit the site every so often, but authors for whom it's been years since they last visited this place. Unfortunately yes, that includes those who have passed away.

Commenting as a recommendation for other readers is as good a reason as encouraging the authors, though. I'm glad I came to realise that. It's also a very comforting thought that authors who have passed away 'live on' here through their stories.
And you're correct, @Often123, the comments are invaluable and can be so inspiring! I thank every commenter for not only reading my stuff, but also taking time to comment and bring a smile on my face

Male Member

Posts: 40
#27 | Posted: 11 Mar 2023 12:08
Commenters, do you stick to commenting about the artistic aspects of the story you appreciated, or do you ever say that you enjoyed the story in a sexual way?

Authors, especially female authors, if a male commenter expresses such sexual appreciation, do you like that too, or do you find it offensive?

Male Author

Posts: 692
#28 | Posted: 11 Mar 2023 13:49
do you stick to commenting about the artistic aspects of the story you appreciated, or do you ever say that you enjoyed the story in a sexual way?

I try to stick mostly to the merits of the piece, but if it ticks a box (like for me, it's reversals. I'm a sucker for them!) I'll mention it, but won't dwell on it. I also offer criticism/suggestion, but have found while meant to be as objective as I can manage, and intended to be helpful, it rarely is taken that way

What I appreciate is honest feedback on either the technical aspects of the story, or something that resonated (or didn't) with the reader. I also welcome criticism about realism or if a section seems redundant of confusing. If something doesn't 'work' I want to know. But what I have had difficulty with is when a comment disparages a character or characters for their choices or behavior. Nearly all of my stories derive their themes and character's personalities from actual events, issues, and people in my life, most of whom are close to me or ARE me. So when someone tears into a character based on these folks, I can't help but feel like they're insulting someone I care about.

I don't read for sexual gratification, at least not overtly. A tingle is nice though. LOL

Male Member

Posts: 791
#29 | Posted: 11 Mar 2023 19:57
A tingle is nice though. LOL

I began in my youth enjoying pictures and art on the topic, as well as booklets.
Years later, after getting on the internet, a whole new world opened up. I discovered others were into this thing we do, and began to think more deeply about why we have this interest. The numerous stories and blogs have been incredible. Yes, some are more like wank fodder, but some inspire deeper thought, and many are quite entertaining.

Male Author


Posts: 1173
#30 | Posted: 12 Mar 2023 09:18
Commenters, do you stick to commenting about the artistic aspects of the story you appreciated, or do you ever say that you enjoyed the story in a sexual way?

Well, I will sometimes comment lightly that "I'm envious, fantasywise anyway" of a story character (usually but not necessarily male) who receives a sound bare-bottom spanking, or spankings, from an attractive female character, or characters. There's clearly an erotic aspect to that kind of envy felt toward a mere fictional individual, at least from my perspective.

I'm pretty certain that the vast majority of this Library's members find spanking to be sexually arousing, some to a higher degree than others, of course. So it wouldn't make much sense for any author, regardless of gender, to be offended by an erotic reaction to a work of his/hers posted here--unless there were crudely personal comments involved, obviously.

To my knowledge though, that's certainly not a Library problem... --C.K.

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