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CP at School enjoyed or wanted ?

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Male Author


Posts: 803
#21 | Posted: 13 Aug 2017 19:21
Boy, do I feel like the odd bird here... CP had been banned in school here for ages before I even went to school, so I had no concept of it. It was not anywhere in society, so I thought my dreams and imagination were pretty weird and couldn't interpret these things in my mind. I made drawings, wrote stories in my notebook, kept it well hidden, wondering what was wrong with me. There was this one moment though, when I was fourteen and we had sexual education in school (which is pretty embarrassing for you at that age I can tell you). The teacher was showing slides of penises, vaginas, etc. and different kinds of sex, and then briefly, only momentarily, showed a slide of a woman tied across a bar getting whipped, just for a second, before he moved on, commenting it with '..and then there are the odd types of sex...'. He said more I guess, but that is all I can remember from that year in school, the picture having burnt itself forever into my mind. It stunned me at that time that the picture made me excited. It took another 40 years before I even realized that there is a whole spanking scene out there in the big world outside our borders and that it is not such a weird thing after all.

Male Author


Posts: 413
#22 | Posted: 15 Aug 2017 00:51
I remember in third grade, coming out of my classroom for morning recess. In another third grade classroom down the hall, just outside that door, the teacher had a boy bent over being paddled. He definitely was not enjoying the proceedings, but it was carved into my memory. I'd been paddled, so I knew the procedure, and what it felt like (did not enjoy it at all), but this was the first time I'd witnessed one, can still see it to this day. This was the late 1960's and paddling was very common in grade school then.

Imagine my relief many years later when I learned I wasn't crazy.

Female Member

Posts: 293
#23 | Posted: 15 Aug 2017 15:02
Never got in at school as it banned by the time my then un-rosy cheeks sat in a classroom.

If living in a earlier era and the tales i hear are fact, then i would have had practical 'experience' in that side of things, as i was not lil miss sugar sweet.

Male Author


Posts: 413
#24 | Posted: 15 Aug 2017 18:32
If living in a earlier era and the tales i hear are fact, then i would have had practical 'experience' in that side of things, as i was not lil miss sugar sweet.

Most of us were not, perfect little angels in school, hence the reason most of my teachers had that wooden paddle and used it.

Male Author


Posts: 803
#25 | Posted: 15 Aug 2017 20:51
Having thought about it, I think it just might have filled me with contradicting emotions, had there been CP when I was in school. I don't know about back then, but had I been anything like I am now, it might not have been entirely a bad thing to experience. I for one thing know that I'd kill to see when any of the girls was getting it, but I might just have found it interesting to be at the focus of attention as well. Back then I might not, since I was a stubborn little bugger, who just couldn't back down or let sleeping dogs die, no matter how wrong I might have been. I got away with murder though, being one of the brightest kids, so the teachers accepted more from me than they had from any other.

Female Author

Posts: 28
#26 | Posted: 16 Aug 2017 12:14
At my school in Scotland CP was by using a leather belt (tawse) on the hands. I had that twice and oh my goodness it was sore and I hated it! I have been fascinated by bottoms since I was about six, I think ... so perhaps if it had been on my bottom ...

Male Author


Posts: 413
#27 | Posted: 17 Aug 2017 09:29
When I was in school, if you wanted to quiet a class down in a hurry, just take a student to the hall to paddle them. The class would get so quiet you could hear the proverbial pin drop. I don't think any of us wanted to be paddled, but were fascinated by someone else getting paddled.

Male Author

Posts: 808
#28 | Posted: 17 Aug 2017 21:24
I grew up in the 50s and 60s in a pretty conservative rural Southern community. We had cp in the schools but only in the elementary grades(1-7), not in high school. Admit being surprised to learn that schools in some places did use in high school.
Both teachers and the principal were allowed to use it, and there was no sort of formal policy for it like you read about, no designated number of smacks, requirement for witnesses etc. The community accepted it in the school without question and often as not parents said " get at school, you get it at home too."
Some teachers used it, and others did not, or very sparingly. As I said,no formal rules, the teacher could give whatever she( no male teachers in my elementary school)felt was sufficient. The paddle was most common, but some teachers used the switch.
One was my fourth grade teacher, a grumpy elderly lady who was very strict. Both boys and girls got it. One offense she used it for was not doing your homework. Boys had to pull their pants leg up to about the knee( no one wore shorts to school) and receive several switch lashes on their bare legs. Girls all wore dresses(no jeans or shorts) so it was easier for her to get to their legs, though she never lifted dresses up to expose panties to the class. Most cp from teachers took place right there in the classroom. I always shake my head when I read someone claiming they are writing a true account of their school cp and say they got spanked on their bare bottom by a teacher in front of the class, total spanko fantasy.
Our principal was a tough but fair lady whom nearly everyone liked or respected. She used a fearsome Board of Education paddle, complete with holes. However, the general feeling was that if you got sent to her office for paddling, you had really done something bad. Don't recall her ever paddling girls, but will not say it never happened.
I had this fantasy though in high school, liking to picture her using her Board of Education on some of the girls that could be described as " pretty, snooty cheerleader types." We had uniforms for gym class a jersey and shorts, but people could wear their own shorts if they wished and many of these girls did. Some wore ones that were very short and/or tight. I delighted in picturing them having that paddle applied long and hard to the seat of them, something that would certainly take them down a few pegs!
I never personally experienced it, being a pretty well-behaved kid and a good student. However knowing it was there if I got out of line or broke school rules had an effect.A deterrent, you could say, I knew to watch my behavior.
The only time that principal may have been out of line was when I was in the fifth grade and we had some sort of school program to which the public was invited to attend.
Seems several older boys misbehaved in some way at it and she was furious. She had the school meet in assembly and she paddled those boys in front of the entire student body, feeling that their behavior merited something more than a paddling in her office. And it was severe, the boys were all crying and yelling as she laid that paddle on hard to the seats of their pants with them bent over a stool, and not just a few swats, someone said it was 30. Everyone there stood silently, shocked and scared. No one dared talk or laugh for fear that it would happen to them.And I would not be surprised if at least some of those boys also got it when they went home.

Male Member

Posts: 36
#29 | Posted: 17 Aug 2017 21:57
I grew up in the State of Georgia. Teachers did not use CP but sent you to the vice Principal who would administer three pops with a stout paddle. - Hands on the desk, look straight ahead .... POW!
The first time it happened to me at about thirteen years I was terrified to the point of almost throwing up. I remember the first time still today. I walked past the secretary as I was leaving she offered me a tissue to dry my eyes. I refused and said to my self it hurt but I'm ok. I was sort of proud of myself. My butt burned but it was not that bad. It was like a badge of honor. What I learned was don't get caught. I played American football and baseball. A hard tackle or hit by pitch hurts ten times more that the paddle on your butt. I am against CP in schools. It doesn't improve behavior and breeds contempt from students. I was paddled a bunch of times and it was a badge of honor. After the first time I wasn't afraid or embarrassed.

Male Author


Posts: 665
#30 | Posted: 19 Aug 2017 15:46
I never personally experienced it, being a pretty well-behaved kid and a good student. However knowing it was there if I got out of line or broke school rules had an effect.A deterrent, you could say, I knew to watch my behavior.

That was exactly my experience at a boys' grammar school in the UK, late 60's and early 70's. Only a minority of boys were caned (always by the headmaster and always on the bottom) but it didn't seem to deter them as they were always having to go back for more! On the other hand, it probably had quite a deterrent effect on those of us who had never been caned. Knowing that we could be probably helped to keep us in line.

As to whether I would have welcomed it, or even enjoyed it, I think a part of me would, but our headmaster had a very intimidating personality, and I was nowhere near brave enough to deliberately get myself in trouble to satisfy my curiosity. Canings were always done in private in the Head's study, so there was no way of knowing just how hard the cane was applied. The "regulars" never seemed to be all that traumatised by it!

There was just one time on my fifth year when I may have come close. It was a slightly bizarre incident where several of us who were all studious, well-behaved types accidentally got into trouble with the Head Boy who told us we would be going to see the Head on Friday morning - the time when canings were mostly carried out. I waited nervously for Friday morning with very mixed feelings. In view of our previous good records we were unlikely to get more than one or two strokes, I thought, and getting the cane in the company of your friends didn't seem quite so daunting as getting it on your own. In the event we weren't summoned. I remember feeling a strange mixture of relief and disappointment, and a good many more years passed before my curiosity was finally satisfied.

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