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CP at School enjoyed or wanted ?

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Male Member

Posts: 69
#1 | Posted: 7 Aug 2017 08:16
Most of us realised quite young that we were fascinated by spanking/caning/cp etc and if subs we now seek to be chastised etc. But did anyone actively enjoy this when they were a child and had little or no control over it ? Anyone actually enjoy getting slippered or caned at school or other scenario ?

Male Author

Posts: 34
#2 | Posted: 7 Aug 2017 16:18
It just made me very aware that I was not the same as most of my peers.. which confirms my suspicion that I was born this way.

Difficult subject to discuss in an open forum.

Best wishes


Male Author


Posts: 412
#3 | Posted: 7 Aug 2017 20:05
I did not enjoy receiving CP in school, but as most people my age, it was considered the cost of poor behavior. However, I'll never forget the first time I ever saw it happen, up close and personal, when I wasn't waiting my turn, it was a thrill I've never forgotten.

Male Author


Posts: 659
#4 | Posted: 7 Aug 2017 20:31
I think at school what I disliked most was the power to inflict pain on you.
At my school in the first three years all masters and prefects could use the gym shoe, but only the head and deputy the cane.
I don't think any master regularly abused their power, most eschewed CP. Although one didn't like it, and found it humiliating it was accepted as justified punishment. I did see one example of abuse, and that was a boy being plimsolled stark naked just out of the showers. Don't remember what he had done wrong, but it might have been for inappropriate behaviour in the showers- probably meant as a homophobic joke. We all considered it totally improper. It never happened again.
It was totally different with prefects, we loathed the fact that other boys even if they were five or six years older had the power to beat. It was the humiliation that was the worst, although it hurt at the time, it wasn't unbearable and I for one enjoyed the aftersting. My last punishment by a prefect left me loathing him as he was only three years older than me. It certainly didn't engender respect in me or my colleagues.
Much later after a TV programme I told my mother it was commonplace for prefects to beat other boys in the early years at my school, although I never admitted to receiving it. She was appalled!
Having said that a 'smack around the head' was so commonplace as not to be commented on.
On fact the saying "You'll get your head smacked boy" was a joke phrase accompanied by a pretend slap.
However I've found the subject fascinating for as long as I can remember and eagerly read the boys school fiction that involved canings in the fifties. I even enjoyed references in Enid Blyton stories much younger and the William books of Rachmel Crompton.

Male Author

Posts: 1495
#5 | Posted: 7 Aug 2017 21:09
At some level, I've probably been a spanko since I was smitten by puberty. Regardless of that "special" fascination with the subject that was growing inside me, I was as afraid of receiving CP as any other student in my school.

Male Author

Posts: 55
#6 | Posted: 7 Aug 2017 22:15
Always been a spanker, but even as a youngster in my early teens my fantasies revolved around ME spanking some girl.....(once I had a crush on a sexy history teacher, boy did she get spanked on a regular basis).....usually one of the girls at school i fancied at the time. When other boys were imagining getting their hands down a girls knickers, or undoing her bra, I had moved straight past that and I was imagining pulling her panties down, bending her over my knee and spanking her. I never got to the bit when the spanking was over, nature had taken its course by then and I had lost interest, so i don't know if i would have been loving or stern at that point in time.

When it was my turn to be the one doing the bending over for a dose of the slipper or strap at school I was not in the slightest bit excited, more bloody terrified if i am honest. And that is because it hurt, with a very big capital H!!! The slipper was applied in 6's, the strap in 3's....and you only needed one dose. However I can remember getting 12 with the slipper on a few ocassions. Amazingly, there was no requirement for parents to be told about punishments, and so as far as my Mum and Dad were concerned I was as good as gold!!

Now don't get me wrong I deserved everyone of the punishments i received, the first was when I had been at the secondary school (age 11 to 16) for exactly one week. The last when I was 15 with about 3 weeks to go till the year was over. Then i was into the 6th form and corporal punishment was over...thanks goodness!!

Getting the slipper or strap was just one of the risks of breaking the rules, simple...dont get ever complained about the fact they were punished, but we all moaned bitterly about how much it bloody hurt!

Incidentally the girls did not get spanked or slippered. In those days they were considered too delicate I suppose....of course we all know that is absolute nonsense, most of them can take a damn good spanking...well many of the girls i have known can!

As to the stern or loving after a spanking, I am a bit of both. In truth I am a soft hearted spanker, don't get me wrong, bottoms go very red indeed and my hand is a well honed weapon (! sound like a kung foo master) but afterwards is usually for loving and making up....preferably with tears and laughs, and of course kisses!



Male Author

Posts: 1366
#7 | Posted: 7 Aug 2017 23:07
The actual day to day reality of corporal punishment at my first school was getting the back of ones legs slapped. It stung more than you would expect as schoolmistress's back in those days possessed very hard hands (as well as hard hearts.) However I do remember being threatened with a spanking on the bare backside when I was six by a terrifying temporary schoolmistress who replaced our usual form mistress. I don't think I was obsessed with spanking at six, it came a year or so later.

Later in my educational career I found that there was nothing at all enjoyable about getting six of the best with a cane from some balding psychopath because I had been caught twice in one week using the headmaster's private staircase without permission! Now if he had been instead an attractive schoolmistress I might have felt differently although of course it would still have hurt an awful lot!

Male Member


Posts: 160
#8 | Posted: 8 Aug 2017 12:07
Yes. I actually got my first caning on purpose out of curiosity.
I was never curious again but it didn't stop the masters from caning the crap out of me. One explained... You have such a cute little bottom... almost begs to be spanked and caned.
None of the wimpy stuff you see on most videos. This was just like the caning scene from "IF", where they took a run up at you and followed through too and you had to say "Thank-you Sir" afterwards. Never less than 4 never more than 6, but they could cane you every day or more often if they felt like it. As a 9-year-old I was traumatised. Marks would last minimum of 2 weeks.
Enjoy? Not the real thing, but I did play "housemasters" with other boy, but strictly over our jeans and I still love being spanked and caned over jeans, but only by a female.

Male Author


Posts: 50
#9 | Posted: 9 Aug 2017 03:27
I've had fantasies about spanking for as long as I can remember, and by the time I reached high school, many of them featured a certain female gym teacher. If I'd ever had the opportunity to receive a spanking from her, I probably would have jumped at the chance. Unfortunately for me, when I had my first and only encounter with the "board of education," in high school, it was wielded by a burly male teacher, and it hurt like hell. To make it even worse, it was a group paddling where about a half dozen of us were taken out in the hallway and paddled as a group.

Even through the spanking hurt a lot, I've never regretted having the experience. For one thing, I was always a quiet, "teacher's pet" sort of student, and accepting a punishment that I deserved with a stoic attitude gave me a bit a of "street cred" that I hadn't had before the paddling. Also, the memory of the fear I felt as I waited my turn to face the wall and bend over still gives me a thrill that's hard to describe. The closest thing I can compare it to is how you feel when you're on a roller coaster perched at the top of the hill before the first big drop. If the female gym teacher of my dreams had been the one who whacked my bottom that day, it would surely be near the top of the list of my favorite spankings ever

Female Author

Posts: 385
#10 | Posted: 9 Aug 2017 05:31
Never got it at school, never wanted it, but boy did I ever want to (but never got to) see someone else get it!

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