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Does this make any sense?

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Female Author

Posts: 63
#1 | Posted: 7 Dec 2014 04:14
I keep fantasizing about being scolded, then cuddled afterwards. Occasionally I imagine that the scolding was a harsh one and that I get apologized to and kissed and pampered later.
Sometimes I fantasize about being held in the OTK position, with a gentle but restraining arm around my back, warming me. I imagine that I'm spoken to in a gentle voice, told why my actions were wrong, unsafe, etc. I'm called "baby" and "angel" and "sweetheart." I'm spanked, with pauses to rub my back, and I'm called precious and a good girl, and repeatedly told that I'm loved, and that other stuff. Then I get pulled up for hugs, snuggles and a bunch of kisses.
Does this fantasy make any sense? Sometimes I feel like I may have problems, not for daydreaming about spanking, but for the type of daydream I have. I'm always daydreaming about doing something unsafe and being dealt with in that way.

Male Member

Posts: 1686
#2 | Posted: 7 Dec 2014 04:27
Seems normal enough to me, and makes lots of sense. Spankings are not always about punishment. Many times spankings include a lot of loving, romantic and emotional as well as sexual at times. We all need to feel loved and wanted, regardless of who we are. Now that you have those feelings and thoughts why not put them together in a story and see how it works for you. Cheers

Female Author

Posts: 63
#3 | Posted: 7 Dec 2014 04:59
I guess something I'm worried about but am afraid to articulate is that maybe i fantasize about my future significant other being like some kind of babying parent figure. Like maybe it would be wrong to expect anything like that from him.
I know a lot of people want their partners to lead the household and punish them for their imperfections, but I feel like I fantasize about somebody fulfilling my childish emotional needs and wonder if I've got problems.

Male Author


Posts: 2977
#4 | Posted: 7 Dec 2014 06:04
Nah. you Don't have problems. We all have spanking-related needs (which makes us all a bit unusual, but doesn't suggest a PROBLEM, except perhaps in not being able to get what we crave). Our spanking-related needs are all a bit different, but again, that's just a case of differences. They're all fine.

Male Author

Posts: 696
#5 | Posted: 7 Dec 2014 09:47
No, it doesn't make sense. Sexual fantasies rarely do.

Female Author

Posts: 221
#6 | Posted: 7 Dec 2014 11:40
Seems to me that you're interested in age play as well as spanking. Quite often the two go hand in hand to some degree. After all, spanking is a child's punishment. There's nothing wrong with it though. I enjoy very similar fantasies myself!

Enjoy them.


Male Author

Posts: 1697
#7 | Posted: 7 Dec 2014 15:07
I'm with minidancer. The need to be protected is shared with many women. Not just from the bad guys, but from a loving spouse ' and ' household. Sometimes we put ourselves in a child's position. It may be something you lacked a bit when growing up. You can be loved as a child, but there was still something missing. It might be the otk position alone even though there is no spanking. I see this as a fetish fantasy and not a sexual one at all. If you have a problem then all of us here have the same one.

One thing good about discussing things like this here is that you find you're not alone. On a serious note and, at the risk of sounding silly, don't daydream while driving. Your eyes are open, but you don't see the road ahead. Instead you see the daydream scenario. Very dangerous.

There were times I daydreamed while walking around with someone. They were speaking to me, but I didn't hear a thing. I was looking at something, but I didn't really see it and let it register in my brain. Then I hear my name called out loud. "Oh, sorry, what was that?"

Female Author

Posts: 613
#8 | Posted: 7 Dec 2014 15:44
It is a sweet fantasy. When I read your original post, a child-parent relationship or age play did not even enter my mind - only a nurturing relationship with someone who loves you very much. Sweet pet names, cuddles, and kisses are also an important part of an adult romantic relationship, or should be. But, whichever way you look at it, there's nothing wrong with that fantasy at all.

Female Author

Posts: 63
#9 | Posted: 7 Dec 2014 16:41
Hugs every1 thanks.
Thanks Canadaspankee flopsys going to post part 1 of my story "The Boy and the Little Girl " on my author page, Mary Bright, so yay! part 2 will follow soon.
Rick, thanks, you're absolutely right. Its something I need to relearn. Its time to enjoy life and others.
SNM. . .LOL. thanks.
Minidancer. . . I've read a lil about ageplay, but it never rang a bell with me. Maybe some part of me is just needy and childish. Its cool to hear you share similar fantasies, though! Thought I was the only 1.
LOL bendover! *hugs* thanks. Ill be rereading your post and thinking it over, the stuff about needing love and protection, and about childhood.
Fiblue. . .thank you! *hugs* *hugs* *hugs* its a relief to know I don't sound like a weirdo.

Female Author

Posts: 422
#10 | Posted: 7 Dec 2014 18:27
No I think it speaks of a basic human need to be loved, cherished and appreciated. It just is expressed in a spanking context that's all.

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