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Spanking returns to TV

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Female Member

Posts: 27
#11 | Posted: 22 Aug 2014 00:16
I read about Outlander here and you are not going to believe this, I walked into the den and my husband was watching the first episode for a second time. I see a new series we can snuggle as wife and hubbie and watch together.

Male Author


Posts: 452
#12 | Posted: 7 Nov 2018 16:43
The set up for a spanking was mention in the TV comedy, 'Mama's Family.'

"It's time for bed for you, young lady."

"Oh come on, you're not my mom!"

"Go on upstairs now. You need your beauty sleep for the wedding tomorrow."

"I said, you're not my mom. You're my friend.

"Go get my hairbrush out of my purse."

Always appreciate reading other poster's 'spanking banter' in main stream shows.

"Oh please!"

The stepmother stands, hands on hips and gives her a serious look.

Downcast eyes, the brat, teenager decides to go up to bed.

Male Author


Posts: 124
#13 | Posted: 7 Nov 2018 19:37
The set up for a spanking was mention in the TV comedy, 'Mama's Family.'

I believe it was a bit more like this (one of my favorite sitcom scenes):

Naomi: Sonja? I think it's time you went upstairs to bed. Good night baby.
Sonja: Stop giving me orders, you're not my mother.
Naomi: Oh! No I'm not, but as your friend I think it's time you went upstairs and got some beauty sleep.
Sonja: You can't be my friend. You're gonna be my stepmother.
Naomi: Oh, I see. All right, in that case as your stepmother I say get your butt up off of this sofa and into your bed before I take my hairbrush to it!
Sonja: Hairbrush? In your dreams!
Naomi glowers at Sonja.
Sonja: (stretches arms and yawns) Aaah, I'm exhausted. I think I'll go to bed.

Male Author


Posts: 124
#14 | Posted: 7 Nov 2018 20:11
BTW, my all-time favorite sitcom scene is from What's Happening! Season 2, Episode 2 "It's All in Your Head"

Dee (the little sister) goes to see the school counselor for a friend who plans on running away because of an unhappy home life. The counselor mistakenly thinks it's Dee who actually plans on running away and convinces her mother, brother, and friends to be extra nice to Dee. The counselor later finds out his mistake. Dee promises to tell her brother and mother (the counselor, unbeknownst to Dee, tells the mother himself). Instead, she proceeds to extort her brother for most of the episode, making him do her chores and promise to to take her to the movies and give her money instead of going to a ballgame with friends, while also breaking all sorts of house rules, like roller skating indoors and upsetting the furniture. When her mother finds out, she plans a serious punishment but disguises it as a big surprise:

Mama: Well, there's a very special place I want to take you tonight. And when we get there, I'm going to give you something very, very special.

Dee, of course, is excited, but Mama says she has a lot of things to get done first and suggests putting off the surprise until later. Dee agrees to help with the work but asks for a hint about the surprise.

Mama: Well, I'll tell you this much: it's something you really deserve. And I'm going to have fun giving it to you!

After Dee does the first round of chores, she comes back tired and disheveled but Mama notes there are still some more things that have to be done and again says the surprise may have to wait. Dee volunteers to handle it all. Finally, all the chores are done.

Dee: Can we go to the surprise now?
Mama: We sure can. Come on. (starts heading to the stairs)
Dee: Where you goin', Mama?
Mama: To the surprise place to give you the surprise thing!
Dee: Upstairs?
Mama: Uh-huh.
Dee: The surprise is in my room?
Mama: (Sarcastically) Surprised?
Dee: Yeah. Um, did you speak to anyone lately at my school?
Mama: You mean like this morning and Dr. Claymore? Mmm-hmm.
Dee: Trouble...
Mama: Yeah. Big, big, trouble. Now come on, young lady, let's go.
Dee: Will you let me explain my side first?
Mama: I promise you, Dee, I'll look at your side. And consider everything right from the bottom. Now march.

Returning from the game, her brother brings home a Dodgers seat cushion, knowing what Dee has in store.

Male Author


Posts: 248
#15 | Posted: 7 Nov 2018 23:34
Secret spanko? Oh no! From everything I've read, the initial Outlander drafts were written and posted on an old AOL spanking site. Granted, such things can't be admitted on vanilla media but that was the scuttlebut I read when the books started being churned out. Good books too I might add.

Male Author


Posts: 2034
#16 | Posted: 8 Nov 2018 04:22
I haven't read the Outlander books, but I have seen the TV show and there's at least one spanking covered in a bit of depth. It's not long after Claire and Jamie get married and someone says that she needs a good hiding for being so outspoken (he needs to control his wife is how they put it), and so that night he takes his belt to her. It's mostly heard off screen, but a couple of strokes made the episode. There's also a scene in an early episode where a young girl refuses to marry who her father has picked out for her, she's apparently had a liason with Jamie, and so she's going to be publicly strapped for it. Jamie offers to take her place and he's not strapped, but he is given a pretty decent thumping.
Diana Gabaldon was prompted to write Outlander as a practice novel and got her idea to set it during the Jacobite Rebellion from the character of Jamie McCrimmon in Doctor Who who was a 17 yo survivor of the Battle of Culloden Moor. She seems to be quite a DW fan, as I also saw a character called Lethbridge Stuart in a short story set in the Outlander world, but focusing on the John Grey character.
A recent scene of CP that did make the screen was in the most recent season of A Handmaid's Tale, where Serena Joy is strapped by her husband. It's done over clothes, but a few strokes are given, and viewers see her examining her welted backside in her bedroom afterwards.

Male Author


Posts: 355
#17 | Posted: 8 Nov 2018 04:26
BTW, my all-time favorite sitcom scene is from What's Happening! Season 2, Episode 2 "It's All in Your Head"

I remember that show now that you mentioned it, including another spanking reference.

The teenage son had a friend named Rerun, who could charitably be called rotund. The son had somehow screwed up and his mother ordered him to take off his belt and hand it to her. He pats his waist and smiles as he informs his mother that he isn't wearing a belt.

Then Rerun blurts out that she can borrow his belt, and proceeds to whip off one that looks around 6 feet long and hands it to her. She looks at it and says something to the effect of "Good Lord Rerun, I want to whip him, not hang him!"

Male Member

Posts: 7
#18 | Posted: 9 Nov 2018 18:30
I'm really curious if Bri ends up getting spanked by the pirate when she is abducted.


Male Author

Posts: 1008
#19 | Posted: 9 Nov 2018 19:50
No, Brianna doesn't get spanked by Stephen Bonnet, but what does happen forms the basis of the ongoing plot for quite a while.

Male Member

Posts: 7
#20 | Posted: 10 Nov 2018 15:57
Are you referring to in the book or the tv show? In the book she did I don't remember if it was him personally or one of his lackeys, however it was a spoon, and the person who was possibly buying her was admiring how red her bottom was.


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