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Spanks vs. spankings

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Male Author


Posts: 149
#21 | Posted: 18 Nov 2022 17:30
The word "spanking" to me is the proper descriptive of what is happening. There are alternatives but none seems adequate: beating connotes physical abuse, bottom-warming and panty-warming are too childish, smacking is fine but doesn't immediately focus on smacking the bottom, and whacking for me is too colloquial. I too have heard skelping used, but it seems to be entirely regional.

There's a certain gravity, too, in the word when used in statements such as "You will be spanked." I suspect "caning" was derived from "spanking" and does carry even stronger connotation when one is told "you will be caned."

Female Member

Posts: 14
#22 | Posted: 1 Dec 2022 19:03
Divided by a common language indeed. This is fun.
Another Brit here.

A complete punishment could be:
  • a smacked bottom
  • a smacking
  • a hiding
  • a leathering
  • a slippering
  • a skelping
  • a belting
  • a caning
  • a spanking
  • the cane
  • the slipper

all prefixed good which always means bad

An individual blow is
  • smack but never spank
  • slap
  • whack

As a verb I'd say
  • smack ( 1 or more)
  • spank
  • wallop
  • leather
  • slap (1)
  • cane
  • belt
  • slipper

10 spankings sounds scary.

occasionally it was more specific.
  • slap you legs (meaning several slaps)
  • slap your face

Don't start on the euphemisms. Do I have to ....
  • put you over my knee
  • take your pants down
  • take you knickers down
  • warm your tail

The never have to. ;)

Male Author

Posts: 1034
#23 | Posted: 1 Dec 2022 19:16
Don't start on the euphemisms. Do I have to ....

Overheard many years ago: "Does mother have to stand up?" She didn't. The girl was quiet for the next half hour.

Male Author


Posts: 413
#24 | Posted: 2 Dec 2022 07:08
Do you want to;

Go get me the hairbrush?
to be spanked?
to go to the hall with me, and get paddled?
go to the office?
go to the woodshed?
me to blister your butt?
go get the strap?

Female Author

Posts: 20
#25 | Posted: 5 Dec 2022 15:40
adding more to the list -

Do you want me to 'take you in hand' (used in Domestic Discipline sometimes - used be a website called taken in hand)
Skelp your hide
Give you a sound thrashing
Get the wooden spoon out
'Go cut me a switch!'
Tan your hide
Give you a good hiding
Give you something to cry about
Sorry? I'll make you sorry!
I'll make you wish you'd never been born!
Send you to bed with something to think about
You're not too old to....
Don't make me come in there!
'Smack your legs'
Do I need to fetch my slipper?

and finally one me and Himself use 'become textured' (IE getting caned) and 'how bad is it going to be? (IE how much trouble/ how badly textured will i end up?)'


Male Author

Posts: 692
#26 | Posted: 6 Dec 2022 13:34
I think the next time I post a more academic question here, I am going to also start a pool. With the World Cup going on internationally and football season in full swing in the USA, the betting pool concept is probably a natural offshoot of posting. The wagers would be based on how many posts it will take for any innocent OP to become 'fetishized'. Of course, odds on betting on whether these posts were typed 'one-handed' would be better than even money and therefore not open to wagering. Perhaps this might be a better way to make money from spanking fiction than described in the other thread currently being debated?

"Hey, KDP, what's the over/under for the thread on eating oatmeal for breakfast?"

Male Member


Posts: 160
#27 | Posted: 9 Dec 2022 11:32
Many quite concise responses.
I am in agreement that "A" spanking is the whole event.
"A" spank is one smack of the bottom.
Is is possible to spank with anything other than a hand?
A moot point. A hand spanking is just that, but a spanking can be given with an implement, although not all implements can be used to spank. A cane = a caning and definitely not a spanking. A paddling with a paddle, but I have seen and heard, many times, paddles being used to spank.
A belt gives a belting and is not usually used for a spanking, likewise a strap.
A martinet? Well, I've never heard of a martinetting, so a whipping would be the correct verb/adverb in that case.
A flogger? Well immediately one says a flogging, but I have read of spankings with a flogger.
A wooden spoon or spatula? One would surely say a spanking, rather than trying to turn either noun into a verb or adverb.
I guess there is much leeway and it's down to the writer to be comfortable with whichever descriptive terminology they use.

Female Author


Posts: 237
#28 | Posted: 9 Dec 2022 14:02
A wooden spoon or spatula? One would surely say a spanking, rather than trying to turn either noun into a verb or adverb.

Yes, spooning means something quite different and I’ve never heard any try to talk about spatuling.

Male Author


Posts: 71
#29 | Posted: 9 Dec 2022 14:09
Spatulating, maybe? You may have invented an new verb, KatiePie. “In a fury, he gripped the wicked flipper of pancakes, his implement of choice, and began spatulating the hapless girl’s behind.”

Male Member


Posts: 160
#30 | Posted: 9 Dec 2022 17:14
Online now! KatiePie
Female Author
Posts: 212 #28 | Posted: Today, 14:02
A wooden spoon or spatula? One would surely say a spanking, rather than trying to turn either noun into a verb or adverb.

Yes, spooning means something quite different and I’ve never heard any try to talk about spatuling.

You mean you haven't spatuled? oh, my dear what a sheltered upbringing you have had!

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