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'Caught In The Act' Story Challenge 2017

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Male Author


Posts: 2977
#101 | Posted: 20 Jul 2017 12:41
if you haven't finished reading and marking, better hurry up

How about submitting an after-the-last-minuteentry? You know, for the procrastinators among us.

Female Author

Posts: 19
#102 | Posted: 21 Jul 2017 05:36
Oooh! It's the last day. I can't wait!

Female Head Librarian


Posts: 2138
#103 | Posted: 22 Jul 2017 01:04
Another Challenge ended, and we have our top six! Thanks to all who participated, we really appreciate it.

Congrats to our top three.
In first place: The New Neighbor by AustCarr 852 votes
In second place: A Teacher Goes Skinny Dipping by Gloup 832 votes
In third place: Shoplifters Will Be Spanked by mj2001 654 votes

And the Runners-Up:
Your Mother Won't Spank You Again by JessicaK 648 votes
Caught Watching My Stepmother... by mj2001 641 votes
Good for the Goose by DJBlack 623 votes

Well done everyone

Male Author

Posts: 1495
#104 | Posted: 22 Jul 2017 01:53
Congrats to our winners, and thanks to everyone who participated. (I'm sorry that I wasn't able to enter this this time, but life got in the way. )

I enjoyed reading this batch of stories! Still, I must have been in a grumpy mood because I didn't happen to award any tens. Still, one of the few nines that I awarded happened to be: "the New Neighbor" by our AustCarr!

In most of our Challenges the winning scores group fairly closely, with only a few votes separating the six "chosen ones". This contest was unusual in that there is a 178 point gap between second and third place. So those top two stories somehow really stood out. I will be re-reading those two to see what this author can learn from them!

As Flopsy says, "Well done everyone."

Male Author

Posts: 253
#105 | Posted: 22 Jul 2017 04:27
Congratulations to all the winners!
I was a bit out of sync with the majority this time, as most of my favorites didn't make the cut. But the competition was stiff and this was the best bunch of stories of any challenge I've read or participated in. It was difficult to differentiate the "really excellent" from the "merely very good."

Female Author

Posts: 19
#106 | Posted: 22 Jul 2017 06:37
Congratulations to all the winners--and to everyone who participated. It was a month filled with very enjoyable reading.

Being new to the site, it was my first time here for a challenge and I really enjoyed it.

Male Author

Posts: 317
#107 | Posted: 22 Jul 2017 10:30
Well the winning story was a cracker I have to admit. Interesting that it was a "fem dom" story which won despite being an open field as far as story orientation went, I'd always assumed that stories with female spankees had an inbuilt advantage as it's what most people prefer to read. Glad to be proved wrong!

Male Author


Posts: 355
#108 | Posted: 23 Jul 2017 00:31
Well once again Gloup lapped the field, but this time he got nosed out at the wire and had to settle for the silver. The King is dead, long live AustCarr, newly crowned King of the LSF Challenge!

That was an incredibly diverse selection of stories this time, and frankly I had about a dozen that I thought could take the crown. But in the end we all got left in the dust by the top two. The point separation they put up between them and us mortals was amazing given the sheer number of entries.

And in a few months we'll gird our loins and do this all over again...Thanks for putting this all together for us.

Male Author

Posts: 1008
#109 | Posted: 23 Jul 2017 07:46
I'd always assumed that stories with female spankees had an inbuilt advantage as it's what most people prefer to read.

I think this shows just what a good story The New Neighbour was. I certainly thought it was the best of the bunch this time.
Having said that I also thought Gloup's teacher-skinny-dipping story wasn't the best one of his five entries, so what do I know?

Male Author


Posts: 38
#110 | Posted: 23 Jul 2017 20:39
Congrats to the winners and runners up. Well done to everyone who entered this Challenge. Some wonderful stories and thoroughly enjoyable reads.

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