I too, watch the viewer numbers on my serials and short series. There is always a drop off after Pt 1 as, quite naturally, readers dip into Part 1 to see if it suggests interesting subsequent parts. If it doesn't do it for them, they will not progress.
I would normally agree with opb "I suspect that if Part 1 doesn't contain enough immediate hand-on-bottom action Parts 2 onwards are ignored by those readers for whom that is the main driver of the initial click." but have been interested in the performance of my recent three part story, Cara's Request.
The first chapter is all about her making that request and she doesn't actually get spanked until Pt 2. The figures are 424, 292, 246. The 424 surprises me as I don't think numbers normally get that high, that quickly, without repeat views. It suggests to me that some of the readership actually enjoy "No actual spanking" stories. It also gives the lie to opb's and my theory--no spankings in part one, no reading of part two.
I was aware of that risk when publishing Cara's Request so added an author's note at the beginning:
The following history concerns itself with the slow unfolding of a young woman’s plans to persuade her mentor to employ corporal punishment, as encouragement, when assisting her to realise her ambitions. If that is all that you need to know, apart from whether or not she succeeds in her objective, then it is suggested that you proceed immediately to Part 2, where all is revealed.
LSF, in their wisdom, decided not to include it.
Geoffrey Stirling. |