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How do you like your pain?

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Female Member

Posts: 298
#1 | Posted: 23 Oct 2016 17:47
Does pain play a major role in the stories you like to read (or write)?

For myself, yes. That doesn't mean every single spanking between two people has to be painful, if there are several that happen between the same two characters. And it doesn't mean every spanking has to have the same level of pain; could be mild sometimes, severe other times, depending on what works best for the story. It doesn't have to be all physical pain; emotional pain (such as anger or fear or anxiety) is also a basic story requirement for me.

But I want it to be present in some form (in a way that fits the story effectively, of course, not out of nowhere).

How about you?

Male Author


Posts: 871
#2 | Posted: 23 Oct 2016 18:23
Totally agree. As Duke Ellington didn't quite say: it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that sting....

Male Member


Posts: 30
#3 | Posted: 23 Oct 2016 19:09
Yes, pain simply belongs to it. I like to put myself in a passive man who comes across his pain. I like it even when a woman meets her pain limit. Nevertheless, sexual excitement may also be a part of the game. What totally hurts me are tears, so emotionally it does not have to be.

Male Author

Posts: 692
#4 | Posted: 23 Oct 2016 19:32
If there's a spanking in the story, pain is strongly implied. And if the pain 'aspect' is important to the story, then it needs to be described.....otherwise it can be mentioned almost in passing......or not at all. It's like a murder mystery. If there's a murder, I'm pretty sure there's a dead body and most likely a murder weapon, but I don't need the full autopsy report nor the weapon's factory specs to enjoy the solving of the mystery.....unless for that story some of those details are necessary to arrive at the climax.

Heck, I don't even need a spanking in the story itself to make for a great spanking story let alone description of the pain inherent in one. But then again, I utterly dislike long descriptions of sex in erotica as well. I feel like if you tell me what's happening, I have enough experience to not need a diagram.

Female Member

Posts: 298
#5 | Posted: 23 Oct 2016 20:51
kdpierre I feel like if you tell me what's happening, I have enough experience to not need a diagram.

I agree with that, and it's a fine line to know how much description is too much or too little. I really like it when things are implied as opposed to stated outright in a story, I think it makes it more edgy and suspenseful. Super difficult to pull off, though; those parts tend to take me forever to figure out how to word them.

Next sex scene I write, I'm just going to say "Flange A, slot B, the end."

Edit: crap, apparently I don't understand how to use the quote function.
Edit 2: still can't figure it out.
Edit 3: oh well. I accept that I is a moron.

Male Author

Posts: 1034
#6 | Posted: 23 Oct 2016 21:00
Edit: crap, apparently I don't understand how to use the quote function.
Edit 2: still can't figure it out.
Edit 3: oh well. I accept that I is a moron.

You just mark the part you want to quote and push the quote button. So easy it's impossible to figure out

Female Member

Posts: 298
#7 | Posted: 23 Oct 2016 21:19
No. I will stick with being a moron, it's simpler.

Male Author

Posts: 1034
#8 | Posted: 23 Oct 2016 21:23
No. I will stick with being a moron, it's simpler.

There is a much better use of a stick.

Male Author

Posts: 90
#9 | Posted: 23 Oct 2016 22:11

Oops! *picks up ass and reattaches*

So many levels of pain - and so many reactions to those levels - I prefer that hot, throbby sting rather than a pain such as a sprain or fracture.. though pain is present its form is so different as to be... um.. different.

The same could be said of descriptions of the strike of hand on buttocks. 'smack' 'spank' slap' etc as opposed to 'blow' 'hit' 'beat', which implies impacts from a fight rather than a spanking.

As several people have already said, descriptions of scenes - whether sex or spanking (for me they are interlinked!) is very difficult - to descriptive is boring, too brief can be frustrating. I'm probably guilty of both faults in some of my stories!

Male Author


Posts: 836
#10 | Posted: 23 Oct 2016 22:22
Does pain play a major role in the stories you like to read (or write)?

Does a bear shit in the woods?

Pain is key, central, vital, crucial and a sine qua non for me in a spanking story (unless you have a character, like Niedermann in The Girl who Played with Fire, with congenital which case I suspect most of us wouldn't find the story very interesting - we'd feel cheated).

Spanking without pain is like playing poker for anything but money: what's the point? Anyway, isn't pain implicit in the vey meaning of the word? Is tapping a bottom painlessly a spanking? Pain is also implicit in the meanings of 'sadism' and 'masochism'.

Describing physical pain is one of many challenges we KLSF writers face every day in our gallant efforts to entertain. Burn, heat, fire, smart, sting, ache, throb, sore, tender, raw, searing, agony, torment, torture, bliss...there are a limited number of words we can deploy, but deploy them we must unless we are presenting only the spanker's point of view (which is entirely legitimate).

Emotional pain is also, I agree, an important element, and that includes humiliation, embarrassment, sorrow, self-pity and self-loathing as well as the ubiquitous fear.

So, yes, the inclusion of descriptions of pain are, for me, paramount in a spanking story.

<i>How do you like your pain?</i>

In the butt, served with a pinch of punitive intent.

Good topic, Burgy,

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