I enjoy writing stories here at the site. I enjoy getting feedback from other people as well. I think everyone here does to a certain point. I think criticism should be kept private though. Personally, I'm not going to email someone to tell them they have problems here and there. It's their style of writing and if one doesn't like it, then they just close and move on.
I like serials, but the ones that are over 2,000 words a piece kind of lull me to sleep at times if there is a lull in the action. Of course, the story has to have a bit of build up to it, too. There needs to be some descriptive data for the reader to get a feel of the environment and setting. The characters are a major object as well.
I enjoy stories with a sense of realism in them, too. But, that's the fun with fiction. There are no cops, social service workers and the like, we can get away with just about anything.
I'm not a big fan of overly abusive stories, especially where they involve teens and under.
For the most part, I enjoy quite a bit of the stories that are written here. I don't always make comments, but I try to whenever I see fit. Because I don't comment doesn't mean I didn't like a story. This usually happens when I'm validating. I just want to get it over with and move on, but there are those that deserve something said about them.
One thing I'd like to say to everyone is: Thank you for taking the time to read my stories. Thank you for the comments. I only have nine so far, but it looks as though they're fairly enjoyed by the number of times they've been read. I enjoy writing them and I enjoy having them read. Thanks again to the administrators who make this all possible.