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Do you ever "switch"?

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Male Author

Posts: 172
#1 | Posted: 6 Jan 2015 04:41
Some of us are "Tops", and some of us are "bottoms", and some of us are "switches".

But my question is directed at those who, like me, do not normally "switch".

I'm a "Top". I distinguish "Top" from "Dom": I don't feel like I have the right personality to call myself a "Dom"; I call myself a "Top" because I like to be the one to be delivering a spanking.

But ... sometimes I like to *receive* a spanking.

Full disclosure: the last time I actually got to deliver a proper spanking was ... 25 years ago. I had a girlfriend then who was willing to try anything. Since then ... nothing but my writing.

So, recently (in the last year), I completely by chance ran into some members of the local BDSM community. I was at my regular karaoke bar, and found myself sitting at a table with a pair of women I'd never seen before, because there was nowhere else to sit. I can't explain how it happened, because I was drinking at the time, but somehow the subject of spanking came up, and I instantly identified these two women as fellow "kinksters". One of these women turned out to be the leader of the local FetLife community, and she pointed me at that web site.

Long story short, that woman and I happened to be at that bar on my 48th birthday, last year. The thing is, she is a submissive. She's also married to a vanilla, she's about six years older than me, and morbidly obese All of which factors, aside from the "submissive" part, put her out of any kind of spanking fantasy I might have.

But ... she offered to let me spank her for my birthday.

I politely declined the offer, but made a counter-offer: Why don't YOU give me a birthday spanking?

And so, on my 48th birthday, I dropped my pants and submitted to a bare-bottomed spanking from a natural sub. And, sure, she is a sub, but she's also a mother. And holy fucking cow, she gave me one hell of a spanking! 48 good, hard wallops, using my own implements. She marked me well, and I thoroughly enjoyed the spanking. I even took a picture of the marks she left on me.

Anybody else?

Male Author


Posts: 2057
#2 | Posted: 6 Jan 2015 04:49
I used to actually see a professional. She doomed, but she was more of a submissive. We used to switch our sessions around. Sometimes she was on top other times it was me. One time we had an appointment and she was meant to domme me. She contacted me before the appointment and asked if we could change because she really needed a 'damned good spanking'. Very hard to refuse an invitation like that.

Male Author

Posts: 1697
#3 | Posted: 6 Jan 2015 05:57
I'm an inactive switch. Yes, sometimes it's fun to be over the knee. And that rhymes.

Male Member

Posts: 69
#4 | Posted: 6 Jan 2015 23:29
Most of my sessions I switch, I like spanking others but probably more swayed to being a sub. I have no problem spanking someone else bit prefer them to be reasonably slim. I understand that some switches will only either be top or bottom in a session and won't switch within the session, but I don't mind doing that. in my switch sessions I normally spank first and then spanked, seem to prefer it that way.

Male Author

Posts: 301
#5 | Posted: 6 Jan 2015 23:47
I have a story. So also several years ago I met this woman on a spanking site and we met for real. She was living in near by Santa Monica at the time and I met her at a restaurant after work. I was also married to a vanilla at the time. We hit it off at the restaurant and found a near by motel room after dinner. She was tall and very attractive. We worked out a scenario that had her fully nude subjected to a full on strip search including a through search of her vaginal cavity followed by a 30 stroke strapping on her bare bottom while face down on the bed still fully nude. Needless to say, I was in love. Let me just also state that there was no sex at all. She knew I was married. Our "play" was strictly limited to the strip search and strapping scenario.

She also indicated that she was interested in exploring and wanted to explore her dominant side. We met again and I agreed to be the sub. I also consider myself strictly a top as I feel it is far nicer to give than receive but also figured if I'm going to give perhaps I should at least know what it is like to receive.

In short, it hurts like hell!! So the second time we met we actually watched the Nu-West video I did. Then down to her living room where she had a whole arsenal of spanking implements. You name it, wooden paddles (the large thick type), straps, crops , floggers, a cane or two. So I took everything off placed myself face down over this large medicine ball she had. By the ways, she stated that I had a nice round ass (her exact words). Well, I got it with just about everything she had and these were not love taps. I also brought my two make shift straps that I had at the time so those were thrown into the mix as well.

Let's just say that she really blistered my ass but good. I also may have provoked her by trying to look up her dress as she stood over me blistering my bare buttocks. Yes, probably a stupid move on my part. I can't say with any real accuracy how many strokes, swats, etc etc I got but it took a couple of weeks for the marks to clear completely up. No, my wife at the time did not find out. We were not really sexually involved at this time and she was still asleep when I would get up to shower for work each morning so she never saw any "evidence"!

Like I said, I consider myself strictly a top but I felt I should experience the bottom so that I at least have a better idea of what I am doling out. All I can say to you bottoms is, man you guys and gals are real troopers! I'm not saying that I would never receive again but that is not my desire. That's my story.

Male Member

Posts: 155
#6 | Posted: 7 Jan 2015 00:57
Like a lot if you here, I have been strictly a Top for most of my life and had never had so much of an inkling to switch. Well, one faithful night while playing with my wife over my lap, she asked me what it was I got out of giving a spanking, given that she's pretty much a vanilla, but use to indulge me every now and then. I told her it was not so easy to explain exactly. She said in jest that she should giving me a spanking. For the first time, ever, the thought of being over a lap sparked some interest. So, right there on our bed, I went over her lap and she began to spank my bare bottom. I have never been hornier a day in my life, lol!!! We did it all over the house that night!! She only spanked me a handful of other times and then lost interest. I wish she hadn't, because I began to crave it from her. I sure hate it that she us vanilla because I'd love for her to take me in hand instead of having an argument or what not. I'd love for her to spank my bottom nice and red whenever she wanted to. Grrrr..

Male Author

Posts: 172
#7 | Posted: 7 Jan 2015 01:24
I also consider myself strictly a top as I feel it is far nicer to give than receive but also figured if I'm going to give perhaps I should at least know what it is like to receive.

That reminds me! A few years ago, on another message board (a general-interest discussion forum), somebody started a thread asking the question, "What would you do if you could be the opposite sex?" The premise of the thread was that somebody had invented a gender-switching machine that would allow a person to switch sexes, so you could remain in "opposite sex mode" for as long as you wanted.

I answered by mentioning that I write spanking/BDSM stories, and that, if I could be turned into a woman, I would arrange to have myself subjected (over an extended period of time, not all at once) to everything I had ever subjected my female characters to. I've written some pretty "heavy" stuff, including a good amount of nonconsensual acts, so it would be quite the "gauntlet". I figured that, if experiencing a spanking or other physical punishment as a man would give me "some idea" of what it felt like, how much better if I could actually experience it as a woman? How much better would my writing be if I had actual experience from that viewpoint?

Female Author

Posts: 801
#8 | Posted: 19 Jan 2015 09:14
When I discovered my spanko kink I saw myself as a bottom. Over the years since then I have evolved into a switch so now enjoy the best of both worlds hehe

Female Member

Posts: 27
#9 | Posted: 19 Jan 2015 19:30
I have come to the conclusion that even the rare spanking under minds my authority over my husband. Instead, I let him spank a switch either in a play session or as a hired girl.

Male Author

Posts: 701
#10 | Posted: 20 Jan 2015 00:22
I 'can' switch. (Not bragging, but I'm even pretty good at Topping) I've topped about half a dozen women in my day, BUT........I don't 'need' to Top. I can. I like it. I do it well...........but I don't 'need' it.

I 'need' to bottom.

Now I don't do much spanking. LOL. Rosa occasionally likes a few rough smacks, but they are done at her behest and under strict guidelines. There is no way you can compare the sexy stingy slaps she rarely receives to how she spanks me. The disparity is frequently a source of bemused banter between us.

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