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Real Life Experience in Relation to Writing Spanking Fiction

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Female Member

Posts: 306
#21 | Posted: 15 Oct 2012 07:57
The time to speak about love is not appropriate sometimes, yet some writers seem to feel if they write someone said it, then the beatings can be harsh and cruel. Excuse me, but the 'oh I love you but I have to beat you senseless,' that to me is just beyond belief.

I understand this stories completely different, mostly from the view of the bottom protagonist: " I like to be beaten severely, but I still want to be loved by you". It's just a fantasy as good as our dreams of meeting the omnipotent, good-looking, sensitive and caring spanker. And if somebody is playing the little girl in a role-play it must certainly not end after a 3 minutes spanking just to make it believable. Role-play for me doesn't mean to document real life, but rather to turn my fantasies into "reality".

Female Author

Posts: 801
#22 | Posted: 15 Oct 2012 09:28
Role-play for me doesn't mean to document real life, but rather to turn my fantasies into "reality".

I so agree, Mati!

Male Author

Posts: 1034
#23 | Posted: 15 Oct 2012 19:03
Writing about spanking children is anyway problematic as it is never right to spank children in reality. So I don't think it's becoming better if you try to be "reasonable" in your stories. Being reasonable would only mean that somebody could think spanking children could be justified under certain circumstances. So why not just enjoy the implausible over the top scenario?

A most pertinent and impertinent question! I think I can answer it for my own sake, and telling from a lot of stories in here, the explanation may apply to others.

Although my realistic and rational self does not believe in spanking as a punishment, there is a "romantic" and irrational part of me that thinks differently. This part believes in a world with strict boundaries between good and evil, right and wrong; a world where the evil and the wrong gets punished, and where punishment leads to improvement, atonement, and forgiveness. Although punishment is painful, this world feels strangely safe and orderly — there are always people there to straighten your ways when you step wrong.

Reading spanking stories is for me — at least partly — an escape to this safe fantasy world. As in any kind of escapism, I am looking for stories that reflect and reinforce my fantasy — I seek stories where the spankers are loving and considerate, and where the spankees (at least eventually) admit their guilt, accept their punishment, and reform their ways. Stories where the spankings are too harsh and the spanker seems cruel, works against the fantasy and are unsettling rather than comforting,

Let me add that I have other reasons for reading spanking stories than nursing my own escapism, and that I also enjoy stories that are funny, insightful or simply well written. But this just and well-ordered world remains tempting....

Male Author

Posts: 17
#24 | Posted: 17 Oct 2012 10:22
I write for two reasons. Firstly it's because I am on my own (apart from my 26 year old daughter who teaches locally), and secondly because I enjoy writing (for myself and if others enjoy them then that's a bonus).

My wife died some while ago and we engaged in what is now termed a D/D relationship, she was the submissive. Since her death my two daughters and a small business consumed much of my time, but eventually I turned to writing as an outlet. Other than my wife I have spanked just four other ladies.

Please note: I am always open to offers!

My writing reflects two things. Firstly my experiences in spanking my wife and others, which allows me to describe situations I've actually taken a lead role in, albeit from one perspective. So hand, hairbrush, slipper-spankings, and the use of a strap and cane, I can relive. You will not find unusual objects, such as spoons or twisted chord, in my stories simply because they were never used. Secondly my stories reflect my imagination - call it fantasy if you wish - and the only thing I do not write about is M/F, because that is really me and would require no imagination and all my stuff is fiction.

Now there are those among us who 'switch' and when I was writing, despite what ladies have told me in discussions (which incidentally has some similarity but is also unique to the individual), I couldn't fully convince myself that my descriptions were 'lifelike'. So, out of curiosity, I spoke to and met up with a professional Mistress who was absolutely brilliant, and took me through every implement (almost!) that she had. It wasn't a dungeon affair, just the front room of her bungalow, which was perfect. I'm not a convert and doubt I will repeat the experience, but at least I now know what the punishment I have given actually feels like.

I like to research some of my stories and in fact I'm currently writing (non-fiction) about a workhouse since it was built in 1836 through to its closure or conversion into a hospital in 1948.

As far as children in my stories are concerned, they tend to be few and only in context. Writing about a school scenario is difficult, though not impossible, to exclude children, but I tend to place this in a historical context also to avoid any problems. To assume child punishment no longer exists in the developed world is, I believe, naive in the extreme. As for parental and school discipline, I received none at all despite attending a strict grammar school for boys! And before anyone else says it, yes I did always put the blame onto someone else! Did I enjoy seeing others punished? Yes, but only the girls!!

Male Author


Posts: 248
#25 | Posted: 17 Oct 2012 23:28
posting on this thread. I admit that when I first started writing spanking stories, I had next to no experience with R/L spanking. As a result, some of my work, looking back on it, is not realistic. That being said, I'd like to point out three things: 1) There are people who like it hard. Granted, that is not for everyone but there are people who appreciate that "flavor." 2) Some authors, including myself in my latter work, try to make the spanking scenes as authentic as possible. Let's face it, spankings hurt. It's part of what makes the experience "enjoyable." Perhaps it's the memory, the catharsis that is reached, the fact that someone cares enough to perform the deed or even just gives a damn about you, the potential or actual sexual aspect or perhaps the spanking helps the recipient feel "alive." These are just a few illustrations as to why someone prefers the hard stuff. 3) While such severity can't be experienced in R/L, because of one's physicality or for the simple fact that they have no one to administer it, the reader can live vicariously through the written word as they would an outstanding piece of spanking film. In short, experiencing such torment within their imagination helps the reader, or a certain type of reader, cope with what's going on in their R/L.

Male Member

Posts: 938
#26 | Posted: 18 Oct 2012 01:29
I think maybe I come at this from a different perspective. R/L experience has nothing to do with it, with one exception. In my stories the spanking is as severe or intense as it needs to be. It all depends on the story I'm telling, who the characters are, and why the spanking is being given. A spanking between lovers is different from a sorority or school paddling, which is different from a husband put out with his wife, which is different from a judicial punishment. Sometimes it's playful and it's more about sex. Sometimes it's a mild punishment, intended to make a point, but within reasonable limits. Sometimes it's severe. But my R/L experience tells me a couple of things. One, spankings hurt. Two a wooden paddle, or any other implement, even over clothing, can be seriously painful. Hence in my stories no one gets unrealistic numbers of strokes or swats or whatever. The physical trauma would require hospitalization. I don't write about scene players who can take a lot, so that becomes irrelevant. So summing up my R/L perspective, it hurts, it's embarrassing, but under the right circumstances it can be arousing.

Male Author

Posts: 79
#27 | Posted: 18 Oct 2012 08:44
I found the ideas and experience of the writers of this thread quite fascinating. I have absolutely no R/L experience of spanking other than a single slap on the back of the knee when little. Thus I have had to steal (plagiarise) from the rest of you in order to write. I would love to have a chance to experience spanking a lass or being spanked but doubt that it will happen. I'm not even sure that I could spank if the chance arose. Probably because of lack of experience I tend to become somewhat distressed when I read of what I think is excessive; multiple implements, the infliction of much pain, anger or resentment on the part of the spanker. Whether this is because I have the kind of imagination that makes fiction into reality I don't know. Certainly when I read the wonderful writing of so many of you I get an emotional kick. If I read of a harsh spanking I tend to imagine the writer describing real life experience. Thus I, probably unfairly, tend to complain when what I see as excessive is described. May I end by thanking you all for giving me the experience that enables me to write. I am sure that did I get R/L experience my writing would be better.

Male Author

Posts: 1008
#28 | Posted: 19 Oct 2012 09:42
Like Nibra I have no real life spanking experience to speak of, and I steal shamelessly from others for my writing.
I try not to describe the actual spanking bit if I can get away with it, but this is not through any lack of confidnece in my ability as a writer to do so, it's just that the Smack-Oww bit is far less interesting to me (and I presume my reader) than the circumstances surrounding the spanking and the participant's feelings.

With regard to severity someone mentioned earlier that in fiction one has to exaggerate in order to make a story work properly. This is because there is a dilution effect which happens when the ideas make their torturous path from the writer's brain, to the page, off the page and into the reader's brain.
If you wrote exactly as in real life, putting a chronologically accurate amount of emphasis on the boring bits or describing exactly what happened no-one would read it, People read for entertainment after all. Therefore everything must be exaggerated slightly; sunsets are more colourful, girls are more beautiful, heroes are more heroic and villains more villanous. Even the ambiguous are more errr, ambiguous, and spankings are more severe or the humiliation more acute. Of course one can take this to extremes, and I did once parody the spanking story itself and its insistence on super-human alpha males, but that's another story.

Does one have to have experienced something in real life to be able to write about it in fiction ? of course not. Does it make one a better writer? I would contend that it can only do so whilst one is writing within the precise milieu of the spanking so experienced. I can't claim that the one occasion I received cp at school gives me any insight into judicial cp, DD or erotic spankings. In fact I dont think it helped my writing in the school setting either.

Male Author


Posts: 6
#29 | Posted: 21 Oct 2012 16:56
I'm not as influenced by my own spankings, as by spankings that I witnessed.

I got spanked as a child by both my mother and father. The threat of the paddle hung over my head at school, though it was rarely used.

The spankings I witnessed, and especially the pro-spank attitudes of the people who I grew up around influence my writing and fantasy life quite a bit.

The whole "what you need is a good spanking" and "parent spank because they care" is something I think about a lot.


Male Author

Posts: 28
#30 | Posted: 21 Oct 2012 21:06
I'm not sure where this forum is going. Some like particular stories because of personal experience, some don't like stories because they're too harsh, some appear to suggest that there is only one type of story that is appropriate for this Library. This is FICTION. And, as with all fiction, some like it and some don't. Isn't that true of all stories?

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