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Any good judicial punishment stories?

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Male Author


Posts: 112
#11 | Posted: 25 Jan 2023 05:52
I have quite a few stories in this genre, having been greatly inspired by both the Blue Moon Books and Goodgulf's THE MAGISTRATE, which remains one of my favorites. I'm glad you found my stories and enjoyed them, judging from your very kind comments for FALLEN STAR. Jodie and a lot of my stories with Headmasters have a judicial feel to them, even if there is no court. The Judge's Mistake, The Advantages of Reformatory Hearings, The Delinquent, and The Historical Position all have this same absurdist tone.

Male Member


Posts: 4
#12 | Posted: 24 Jan 2024 21:48
I just had a judicial punishment story go up:

Tuesdays and Fridays at Changi Prison, Singapore.

It can be found in the James Darwin author library.

The OP on this thread, KelvinB, is very familiar with it, as he commissioned it for another site, and provided valuable input regarding the geography and culture of Singapore. It is posted here with his kind permission.

The story is, I think, a fairly realistic description, though I am quite aware that such punishments are not given to females in Singapore (blatant sexism!) and are given in private rather than in public. I would be interested in any comments anyone might have.

Male Author


Posts: 839
#13 | Posted: 24 Jan 2024 23:02
I have 3 judicial punishment stories you might enjoy here:

Punishment Gym (M/F, set in future USA)
Next Summer, Riyadh? (M/F, South Africa, 1960's)
The Texas Prison Paddling Scandal (F/F, Texas)

Happy reading!

Male Member


Posts: 7
#14 | Posted: 26 Jan 2024 07:46
Thanks all for these recommendations. Truly appreciate it.

Drew much inspirations from you guys, and also added a tint of what I had in mind, I wrote my first ever story Tale of Temasek a year ago.

Male Author


Posts: 420
#15 | Posted: 27 Jan 2024 18:53
MJ2001 has two excellent ones;

A Visit to the Judicial Center

Mom's Visit to the Judicial Center.

I also have a follow up to MJ2001's stories, with his permission, "Dad's Visit to the Judicial Center."

Male Author

Posts: 116
#16 | Posted: 29 Jan 2024 04:10
This is a subject that I've only had a mild interest in over the years. But I have still read quite a lot of judicial stories from various source over those years. The best collection of these type stories I've ever read were in a book called Shades Of Singapore, but its not set in Singapore. Its a fictional memoir of a nun who was a nurse in colonial South Africa and whose job it was to check and make sure that all women who had been sentenced to a judicial caning were fit to take the punishment, in which she often participated in with great delight. So if anybody really wants to read some great judicial caning stories that are very interesting and well written, I would imagine the book is till available on line

Male Author

Posts: 143
#17 | Posted: 1 Feb 2024 00:19
The best collection of these type stories I've ever read were in a book called Shades Of Singapore, but its not set in Singapore. Its a fictional memoir of a nun who was a nurse in colonial South Africa and whose job it was to check and make sure that all women who had been sentenced to a judicial caning were fit to take the punishment, in which she often participated in with great delight. So if anybody really wants to read some great judicial caning stories that are very interesting and well written, I would imagine the book is till available on line

John you are correct. Shades of Singapore by Angus Balfour is available from triplexbooks. Now I have this book in both digital and paperback, but I just can't get through it.

Problem with Shades is that it's extremely repetitive. Each chapter is another court ordered punishment, but... but the differences in each punishment are so small it's like reading the same punishment over and over... 37 times!

Now, I admit the first few chapters of Shades are OK and probably worth the $2 from Triplexbooks. It's the remaining 35 chapters that lack creativity, imagination, or even a simple story line.


PS: My recent Orange stories are clearly judicial in setting although the severity of the discipline is somewhat muted. Nevertheless, you will not want for creativity or a story line.

Male Author

Posts: 143
#18 | Posted: 2 Feb 2024 18:14
KevinB, I completely forgot to mention my modern English translation of a letter dated July 25, 1880 written in French about a visit to a women's prison in Siberia. Now, there exists a very old English translation of this letter, but I've only seen fragments of it.

Anyhow, for those interested in strict corporal punishment in the judicial setting you may find this letter most interesting:

Visit to a Women's Prison in Siberia


Male Author


Posts: 661
#19 | Posted: 3 Feb 2024 10:21
Artofzees 2023 series is a favourite of mine. Alex Birch wrote some excellent ones.
I have written a few, Island Justice was very well received. Two fairly long fantasy series inc Zireska and A Holiday to remember. Unfortunately the majority of my stories were written over ten years ago since when the mojo has largely disappeared; so you'll have to look up my author page if interested. None of them are Singapore severe though, just very painful.

Male Member


Posts: 4
#20 | Posted: 6 Feb 2024 21:44
I have posted another of my judicial punishment stories, a 4 part serial

A Very Judicial Caning

It's about a judge who lives in a state that has passed a law establishing judicial caning as a possible punishment for offenders, both male and female, but not yet established the centers where it will be administered. Curious about what is involved and what the appropriate number of strokes to award to those who pass through her courtroom should be, she arranges, through a colleague with contacts in a neighboring state where JCP is well-established, to experience it for herself under a false identity. Once in the system, she finds that there is no escape.

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