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Spanking to Heal Relationships

Male Member


Posts: 31
#1 | Posted: 4 Mar 2021 05:47
I am looking for stories of relationships that are restored or improved as a result of spanking(s).

Rifts happen in relationships. Spankings can be a cathartic experience that clears the air and facilitates forgiveness and can help partners, siblings, friends, or associates to remove adversarial blinders so that the parties can again view each other as people that they can respect and love - regardless of the role each party has in the other person's life.
As a metaphor: If a piece of scotch tape is covered with lint, hair, dust, or other detritus, it won't be able to stick to another surface - but if you can remove all the crap, the adhesive might become potent again. Or perhaps if the surface is cleansed properly, an entirely new and potentially different piece of tape can be applied.
Another psychological explanation: when one person in a relationship does something that betrays or violates the trust of the other party, the other party may be hurt - but the violator is also (and potentially more severely) affected. The violator's mind immediately goes into a limiting cage wherein it must identify every action the other party has taken that may justify why the violator did the thing that just violated the trust. The violator so badly wants to be the "good guy" in the relationship that they become blind to anything good that the other party has done or may do - in their mental cage, they are only able to see the bad about the other person. If the other party reacts to the violation in a way that also betrays the original violator, then both parties may transition from a positive relationship into caged scorekeepers who tally every offense. This detritus must be cleaned away and at least one party must step out of their cage in order to again see the other party as a person who is worthy of their love and respect. The desire for this transition back to love can result in somebody receiving and someone giving a spanking - followed by an increased expression of affection - such as clinging to each other after the spanking in order to communicate how much the other person is valued and appreciated.
There is a panoply of emotions that can be explored as the relationship rapidly clarifies, intensifies, and evolves as a result of forgiveness and acceptance of each other. Realizations of how much the other person means to a party and understanding the other party's expression of how much they are also loved can open new vistas of possibilities. Opportunities to help the other party may become apparent, and the pride that may have been a barrier to accepting the help may be let go. An exchange of power can also be an exchange of empowerment.
If you read this far, then you probably can relate to what I am describing. Have you read any stories that touch on any of the above ideas? Thank you for considering this... and for any suggestions for reading along these lines.

Male Author

Posts: 1041
#2 | Posted: 4 Mar 2021 07:31
As this is a theme I have pondered quite a lot, I'll suggest some of my own stories this time, more or less in order of relevance (they are all M/F):

"A Night in November"

"After shopping"

"Laughter from Elizabeth Street"

"The Tire and the Belt"

"The Student"


"A Guided Tour of the Island"


"Late Summer"

"Not Even Lying"

Male Author

Posts: 1041
#3 | Posted: 4 Mar 2021 07:56
On a less self-centered note, let me mentioned a series of stories by JessicaK starting (I think) with "Becoming an Officer's Wife". They are not formally organized as a series, so you have to look through her contributions from (mainly) 2016 and 2017 to find them.

Male Member


Posts: 31
#4 | Posted: 5 Mar 2021 18:39
"A Night in November"

"After shopping"

I have read the first couple of stories you listed. I have been pretty busy the past couple of days, so I haven't gotten further through your recommendations. While I agree that there are obviously psychological things happening in the relationship dynamics of each of these stories, I am hoping to find some stories with more introspective or omniscient POV that discusses what the parties are thinking.

Thanks for your recommendations. I will get through all of these eventually.

Male Author


Posts: 420
#5 | Posted: 14 Mar 2021 20:44
Ok, shameless plug time, one that I've written that fits this narrative is "My Wife and I, The New Normal."

Male Member


Posts: 34
#6 | Posted: 16 Mar 2021 20:28
The Empty Nesters 1-7 is an excellent story.

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