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BBC website mentions Czech Easter spanking tradition

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Male Author


Posts: 803
#11 | Posted: 15 Apr 2020 19:07
bottom smacking has been expunged from the official history, to be replaced with hitting poor defenceless bushes and undergrowth with sticks, which carries on to this day. I understand that in many places there was only the hitting of boundary markers and never actual boys.

My God! History is being perverted as we speak! Important traditions are erased, as if never having existed, when history is being falsified. How can this be in these times of enlightment?!

Male Author

Posts: 1366
#12 | Posted: 15 Apr 2020 23:33
The Easter traditions in the Czech republic and Slovakia involve women throwing water over men and the men chasing and beating women on their bottoms in playful fashion. It is a delightful fun tradition but doubtless feminists without a sense of humour would disapprove. Not really to be compared to genuine violent attacks against women unless of course you have a bee in your bonnet and are just trying to spoil the fun!

Male Member

Posts: 1
#13 | Posted: 16 Apr 2020 02:16
Easter is celebration of spring in the Czech Republic. Marketplaces spring up all over in town squares selling hand decorated eggs and pomletzkas (woven willow whips) in all sizes from 1' to 4'. My Czech friends claim that Easter is a time for all women to be freshened for the next year. It is mostly in good fun but can get a bit serious. All the boys and men are after the girls and women on Monday morning. The ladies can get even in the in the afternoon. We had gone to Novy Bor and Lucie and I were dragged out of her car when we stopped to take pictures. I never saw anyone throwing water on anyone though.

Male Member

Posts: 28
#14 | Posted: 16 Apr 2020 08:08
AFAIK the corpun site is alive and well. It is updated about four times a year so I expect one soon.

Male Member

Posts: 3
#15 | Posted: 16 Apr 2020 09:32
I have read that the Czech tradition relates particularly to the story of a woman ruler called Bathory who is said to have been the most prolific murderess in history. She captured girls and women and did awful things to them and I think the Easter thing if a sort of penance. Trevor.

Male Author

Posts: 99
#16 | Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:51
have read that the Czech tradition relates particularly to the story of a woman ruler called Bathory

The origin of the Czech pomletzkas tradition is probably rooted in pre-Christian spring fertility rites - a more vigorous version of our chocolate Easter Egg custom and has nothing to do with Countess Bathory. However ...

The Slovakian village of Cachtice holds an annual festival called Bathoryckina which does commemorate the Countess and does feature the whipping of girls' bottoms. There are a couple of VERY good features relating to this on the 'Vanilla' Spanking website.

Male Author

Posts: 479
#17 | Posted: 16 Apr 2020 11:47
Far be it from me to criticise the cultural and religious traditions of others, but spanking young maiden's bottoms seems a far better ritual than the Shi'ites flagellating themselves with knives on chains until they bleed profusely or the Filipinos re-enacting the crucifixion with real floggings and nailings to crosses.

Male Member


Posts: 438
#18 | Posted: 16 Apr 2020 15:09

And the religious people say that we kinksters are "sick"!

Male Author

Posts: 479
#19 | Posted: 16 Apr 2020 15:24
And the religious people say that we kinksters are "sick"!

Which is odd when you consider that:

1. Much of the DD movement is Evangelical based.
2. Religious Schools were more pro-CP than State Schools.
3. Ritual flagellation is still practiced by Shi'ites, Hassidic Jews and Orthodox Catholics.

The problem is that we admit we enjoy it and they pretend they don't.

Male Member

Posts: 5
#20 | Posted: 16 Apr 2020 20:18
Some remarks from old man from Czech Republic:
Czech custom of "whipping" female arses and legs on Easter Monday is very old. It is, for example, described in details in book "Babicka" (The Grandmother) from Bozena Nemcova, our famous national novelist, who can be seen on 500 Czech crowns banknote. This story is from (+-) the first half of 19th century. It has nothing to do with Bathory, it is pyramidal nonsense. It is just jolly feast of fertility, love etc. It is from heathen era, probably, yes.
It has nothing to do with violence etc. "Whips" are made from young willow rods and "pain" is mostly symbolic. "Whipping" is made only among "consenting adults", e.g. in families, between lovers, neighbours or classmates. It is unthinkable to "whip" a strange woman. Girls and women after their "whipping" give coloured eggs to boys or alcohol to men. All ale pleased.
After fall of soviet tyranny and opening the iron curtain, very new and unknown for us were articles written by american (mostly) feminists, who called our customs barbaric and wrote nonsenses as: "A man in Czechia whips a woman until she gives him an egg. It makes him dominate over her."
First time we thought American feminist were simply dull. Then, we ("we" means almost all men and women, too, whom I was speaking about it with) followed, that feminists, political corectness fanatics etc are not dull. They are evil and malign. They want take us our freedom. They are communists of new era.

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