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Film recently seen on UK TV

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Male Author


Posts: 68
#1 | Posted: 4 Dec 2023 17:23
I missed the start, and I'm not sure of the title, but I watched most of a film made in the 1950s about a coeducational, probably grammar, school that gains a new headmaster. Most of the sixth form plus a boy likely from the first form comprise the school orchestra. The music teacher falls out with the new headmaster and resigns, causing the orchestra to rebel.

After causing some disruption, the orchestra is punished. The girls get detention during which they have to write lines, while all the boys are caned. We see the sixth form boys leaving the headmaster's study wringing the palms of their hands, while the first year boy is rubbing his backside.

I think many coeducational schools of the early 1950s era might well have had a policy not to cane girls, but I've never heard of younger boys being caned on their backsides while older boys were caned on their hands. Does anyone have memories of this being the practice?

I thought the film was called 'The Best Days of your Life', but I've only been able to find a similarly titled film which appears quite different. Again, any information greatly appreciated.

Male Member

Posts: 43
#2 | Posted: 4 Dec 2023 17:30
Titled "It's Great to be Young" .
It was on TPTV ( Talking Pictures TV) and featured John Mills
link here

You could check out and see if it is repeated

I agree about the policy regarding caning on bottom for junior classes and hands for seniors, I never heard of such a policy either.

Male Author


Posts: 2035
#3 | Posted: 5 Dec 2023 05:57
There’s an 80’s film called P’tang Yang Kipperbang which shows what seems to be fairly typical schoolboy caning in 1948. As the main character it cricket mad his internal voice is done by tje legendary commentator John Arnott, and he looks at key moment in the story (line the caning) as events in a cricket match.

Male Member


Posts: 1
#4 | Posted: 6 Dec 2023 11:38
Late notice but It's Great to be Young is on Talking Pictures film channel in UK today (6 Dec) at 1pm

Male Author

Posts: 317
#5 | Posted: 29 Dec 2023 19:57
There aren't many films in which girls get spanked on the bottom at school, although I think there are quite a few such scenes in Far Eastern historical series.

"The Leaving Of Liverpool" has a girl being caned by the Headmaster, and "Brides Of Christ" has two girls being beaten with a stick by a nun. I've seen a clip from a Welsh film called "Tylluan Wen" which has a rather young primary school girl being harshly caned by a headmaster, but I've never seen the film.

There's "Happy Family", set in Kenya but I think that the CP of the poor girl in this film is sadistic and excessive, and strangely enough there seems to be quite a few films and TV series where women are strung up and whipped, often quite bloodily.

Probably the most extraordinary scene of females receiving CP in movies for me was Joan Collins being whipped in "Land Of The Pharoahs" - this was set in 1955 and I saw this by chance and without warning on a Saturday afternoon a few years ago!

Obviously the number of films with boys being caned, paddled, whipped or whatever is huge by comparison.

Male Author


Posts: 1886
#6 | Posted: 30 Dec 2023 06:27
Lady Jane - a movie about the original 9 day wonder - has her being beaten over her dress to convince her to marry someone.
Background: Lady Jane Grey was the niece of Henry VIII. She grew up thinking that she would marry her cousin, King Edward VI. Alas, Edward VI had lung issues and was kept in wet climates because if you can recover from bad lungs, but not from being murdered in his sleep.

Edward VI had a pair of older sisters, Mary (who was later called Bloody Mary) and Elizabeth (the Virgin Queen). Only Mary was a product of an annulled marriage and Elizabeth's mother was a convicted adulteress. More importantly, Mary was Catholic and might force people to give the church back land that Henry VIII took from the church. She might even try to force people to become Catholic again (spoiler - she did, burning so many people that she became know as Bloody Mary).

With Edward VI fading, it was decided that Lady Jane would marry the second son of ...

Well the beating ends when the King comes by to asked his cousin to marry the other boy. After Edward VI dies, Lady Jane became queen for nine days, nine days being how long it took Mary and her army to get there.

This clip shows part of that scene.

Female Validater


Posts: 55
#7 | Posted: 1 Jan 2024 14:50

Thanks for the trip down memory lane with "Lady Jane." I was a very young girl when I first saw that movie, and while I already knew my secret spanking interests were powerful, this scene set them on overdrive.

Oh, Helena Bonham Carter! Oh, the severe-faced actress who played her birch-wielding mother! And the fact that there were not one, but TWO whippings!

You wrote that Jane was beaten over her dress. We didn't get to see the rear end in those scenes, of course. But the actions strongly implied the poor lass was birched on the bare.

Immediately prior to the punishment, the imperious mother dismissed the men from the room. As a viewer we didn't immediately know why, but then the mother took the birch in hand and ordered her daughter to bend over a stool. And THEN, unless I am hallucinating this, two maidservants stooped behind and lifted the girl's skirts.

We couldn't see from the viewpoint of the bircher, so the movie did not actually reveal any of Miss Bonham Carter's skin. It is only in my imagination that poor Jane has just been denuded. But that's how I remember it, and also how I fantasized placing myself into the scene as a very young spankophile.


Male Author

Posts: 1034
#8 | Posted: 1 Jan 2024 18:44
Immediately prior to the punishment, the imperious mother dismissed the men from the room. As a viewer we didn't immediately know why, but then the mother took the birch in hand and ordered her daughter to bend over a stool. And THEN, unless I am hallucinating this, two maidservants stooped behind and lifted the girl's skirts.

We couldn't see from the viewpoint of the bircher, so the movie did not actually reveal any of Miss Bonham Carter's skin. It is only in my imagination that poor Jane has just been denuded. But that's how I remember it, and also how I fantasized placing myself into the scene as a very young spankophile.

That's exactly how I remember it, too

Male Author

Posts: 544
#9 | Posted: 1 Jan 2024 19:27
Probably the most extraordinary scene of females receiving CP in movies for me was Joan Collins being whipped in "Land Of The Pharoahs" - this was set in 1955 and I saw this by chance and without warning on a Saturday afternoon a few years ago!

Male Author


Posts: 2035
#10 | Posted: 1 Jan 2024 23:50
I remember the Lady Jane birching a little differently. It was definitely implied that it was bare, because we saw the maidservants lift her dress at the back before her mother laid in the birch, but my memory was that she didn’t meekly bend over, she fought it all the way and the maidservants had to drag her into position and hold her during it.

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