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Films that need spanking scenes

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Male Author


Posts: 1886
#11 | Posted: 20 May 2021 18:41
How about "The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer" (1947) about boy crazy high school girl who goes after a fun loving bachelor. The bachelor wants nothing to do with the teenager, but her aunt (who is a judge), well that's another story.

The Bachelor? A 43 year old Cary Grant.
The high school girl? A 19 year old Shirley Temple.

Yes, Shirley Temple was playing young (17 years old) in this movie, which was an attempt to transition Shirley Temple from child star to a regular star.

At one point she is threatened with a spanking. Someone on the internet captured the scene at:

As an aside, an exchange from this movie was adapted for another movie, and I think that Cary Grant did it better than David Bowie:

Richard Nugent: Hey, you remind me of a man.
Susan Turner: What man?
Richard Nugent: Man with the power.
Susan Turner: What power?
Richard Nugent: Power of hoodoo.
Susan Turner: Hoodoo?
Richard Nugent: You do.
Susan Turner: Do what?
Richard Nugent: Remind me of a man.
Susan Turner: What man?
Richard Nugent: Man with the power.
repeated a few more times.

Male Member

Posts: 246
#12 | Posted: 20 May 2021 19:25
The only movie I can think of, is Bedazzled where Liz Hurley states "Maybe I need a good spanking"

Considering in her private life, Ms Hurley welcomes this sort of activity, and personally I think she would have looked smashing getting one... yeah, missed opportunity there.

Male Author

Posts: 808
#13 | Posted: 20 May 2021 20:01
How about Six Days, Seven Nights, where Anne Heche was so bitchy at times, and also making some dumb mistakes. In one scene the shorts she was wearing looked like they were ready to fall dowm sagging low. Nice to have seen her go over Harrison Ford's knee with them down!
And then there was tihe scene where the Asian girl who played Ford's sort-of girlfriend who seduced Anne's fiancee, displaying herself topless and flashing her bare bottom in a black thong. Now that would have been one hot spanking scene, a femme fatale getting her just desserts!

Male Member


Posts: 438
#14 | Posted: 21 May 2021 02:21
I would have liked to see Karen Allen get a bare-bottom spanking from Harrison Ford in Raiders of the Lost Ark. The two characters were constantly sparring with each other. It could have been very romantic!

Also, it would have been delightful if the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail had gone from words to action in the Castle Anthrax scene. All those nubile female spirits were just begging to be spanked. A perfect setup!

Male Author


Posts: 2977
#15 | Posted: 21 May 2021 14:46
All of them.

Male Author


Posts: 242
#16 | Posted: 21 May 2021 17:53
No one has mentioned "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" where one of the knights finds himself in a nunnery, occupied only by exceptionally attractive young women who all ask him to spank them. Being an upright, Christian, seeker for the Grail, he declines and the film is much diminished by the lack of the following scene (could have been the rest of the film as far as I am concerned) where he spanks them one after another.

Male Author


Posts: 2977
#17 | Posted: 21 May 2021 18:59

No one except galt54. And Sir Galahad didn't exactly "refuse;" instead, he was "rescued" by Sir Lancelot (who, in this telling, turns out to be gay, so lest anyone suggest it, his joining in willingly was never going to happen).

[Not that I'm at all familiar with the movie]

Male Member

Posts: 28
#18 | Posted: 22 May 2021 11:09
How about 'Peggy Sue Got Married'. A delicious Kathleen Turner is transported back to her high school days in 1950's America. She gets tipsy after drinking her father's booze and ridicules his new car. He sends her to her room but I would have loved to see her OTK or as it was set in USA a paddling. She really was stunning at the time it was shot.

Male Author


Posts: 242
#19 | Posted: 22 May 2021 18:33
Sorry Galt, I didn't notice your reference to Holy Grail.
Thank you njrick for pointing that out and correcting my recollection. Clearly you are not at all familiar with that scene! It is rather delightful.

Male Author


Posts: 62
#20 | Posted: 22 May 2021 22:43
This is right up my street. So many films! I like to start with my opinion of the most spankable heroines: Grace Kelly, Katherine Hepburn, obviously Claudette Colbert ... yes, OK, not perhaps the most recent crop. Anyway, Grace Kelly in High Society should certainly have ended up over someone's knee, if not her loathsome father's then certainly Bing Crosby's, as he certainly had form in that department. Katherine Hepburn in Bringing Up Baby has a scene (as a ditzy girl who sets about ruining Cary Grant's life as she sets her cap at him) where Grant has to shield her knickers from public view with his top hat after her dress splits. This scene should have been reprised with added spanks after she destroys his dinosaur skeleton. Claudette Colbert of course is spanked in at least two films, but as the spoilt heiress in It Happened One Night she just gets one smack from Clark Gable as he is carrying her across a river over his shoulder. When they reach the other side he should not have put her down until she had received a good tanning.
Nicole Kidman in To Die For deserves rather more than a spanking I imagine. Perhaps a spanking in front of the weather chart, followed by incarceration in a particularly fearsome penitentiary.

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