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Do you regret having a spanking fetish ever ?

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Male Member

Posts: 14
#31 | Posted: 11 Jul 2014 07:20
It is apparent to me that most of us have found our kink later in life when either ourselves or our potential perfect partner is in a relationship....sigh, there is never a time machine handy when you need one!

Female Author

Posts: 422
#32 | Posted: 11 Jul 2014 18:03
there were times in my teens and early 20s i regretted it. There were a few people I did not stand up to sufficiently because I was afraid that if I made them mad they would spank me.

Female Author

Posts: 801
#33 | Posted: 12 Jul 2014 08:56
Do a i regret it? Nope. I'm big enough to take any of the teasing and now when they ask me about my writing etc, I can be honest

And if you give a customer a bad hair-do, there will be a good selection of hairbrushes available, enabling fellow staff members to discipline you accordingly!!!

Male Author

Posts: 68
#34 | Posted: 13 Jul 2014 11:51
Regrets? No! Sites like this, stories and my own fantasy gives me pleasure.

Frustrations? Yes! Being married to a vanilla wife and wanting to be faithful do occationally give frustrations.

Male Author

Posts: 177
#35 | Posted: 13 Jul 2014 20:00
No, I don't regret it. Over the years my tastes have shifted now and then, but the spanking fetish is strong and ever-present. Nowadays, I regard it as kind of an embarrassing friend. One you don't want everyone to have to indulge, but for whom you have genuine love and affection.

Male Member

Posts: 155
#36 | Posted: 14 Jul 2014 03:47
Good question. I think I've always loved being this way, but when I married my vanilla wife, things for a little while were awkward. I absolutely love and enjoy spanking her, even the thought of it gets my libido going. Once on was able to convey that to her without pressuring her in any way, the better things got between us.

Male Member

Posts: 26
#37 | Posted: 15 Jul 2014 18:36
Heck no! My only regret is that it took me so long to find the perfect partner. But I have that now ....and definitely NO regrets.

Male Author

Posts: 692
#38 | Posted: 15 Jul 2014 19:20
I discovered this early and indulged it as soon as I could. I never looked back or decided to try for a vanilla relationship or partner and have been very lucky in finding several, some by specifically searching BDSM sites but a surprising number right under my nose in a vanilla world.

My only 'regret' might be a bit different from the regrets already expressed. Mine is an occasional 'be careful what you wish for' regret. I actually am lucky enough to be living in a 24/7 DD & BDSM relationship/agreement, however, for us this is no 'game' (it's fun, we admit being turned-on by it, and it can be very playful, but if we say it's a kind of erotic, adult 'game''s an intense one with real ramifications ) and as such my HOH, Rosa, doesn't 'play' at being in charge. She is very reasonable, loving, and the 'boss', she genuinely expects to be obeyed. And for me, despite my desire to live this way, it isn't always easy. If I mess up, I can expect to be spanked for it, and spanked as punishment...not in an enjoyable way. So......."any regrets for having this fetish and need?" When called out for something I know very few other adults would ever be seriously spanked for, something my own partner would never be punished for, I on certain but infrequent occasions, will be embarrassed about my situation.

Male Member

Posts: 17
#39 | Posted: 16 Jul 2014 02:53
kdpierre- I understand what you mean,but in my fantasy mind what you have sounds great. However in the real world I have never been spanked as an adult and the spankings I got as a kid hurt. In any case to be dominated by a strong lady who likes to spank sounds awesome.

Male Member

Posts: 18
#40 | Posted: 16 Jul 2014 14:39
I don't do regret. We are who we are. Whatever fetishes or phobias we have are a part of us we should all just accept unless there is something we want to do that requires us to modify them in the future. We have no way to change what we've done in the past so it's only value is in helping us predict the potential consequences our choices in the present may have on our future. As fetishes go, spanking is a relatively harmless one. Unlike an anal sodomy fetish for example gratifying it doesn't come with a risk of joining 25 million AIDS fatalities which is more than everybody killed in the Nazi Holocaust and on both sides of the Vietnam War combined. Unlike a pedophile incest fetish it doesn't come with a risk of killing little girls from AIDS or premature pregnancies, or causing recessive genetic birth defects in unborn children. Unlike more extreme BDSM fetishes it has no risk of killing, crippling, or permanently disfiguring somebody from serious accidental injuries. There's not even any risk of Incurable Herpes infections like fellatio fetishes. As with any fetish there are certain situations where it can create problems to become obsessed with ignoring all else but it's been such a popular fetish over the last three centuries of Western Civilization it's not hard to foresee what those problems may be and how to avoid or overcome them given similar situations.

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