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Stories with caring, encouraging, kind spanker and nervous spankee?

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Male Member


Posts: 10
#1 | Posted: 19 Apr 2023 08:09
I've found a few great stories like this, and I would love to find more.

I'm looking for stories that depict spankings where the spankee is feeling nervous, afraid, and/or guilty, and the spankee takes the time to reassure, praise, and encourage them. Talking them through what will happen, encouraging them to be brave, helping them prepare mentally, culminating in the spanking itself.

Basically the opposite of the standard disciplinarian approach (not that there's anything wrong with that , with the spanker working to help the spankee find the courage to be brave. I love the contrast between the emotional kindness and the physical harshness. Pep talks, if you will

Some examples:
Grace Brackenridge's teenage babysitter stories
Frank Martinet's "The Devious Teacher" from Tales 3 (love Mr Hector's approach)
Pablo Stubb's "Will I Cry, Sis?"

Any suggestions?

Male Author


Posts: 665
#2 | Posted: 19 Apr 2023 09:39
I have two which are somewhat like that:
The New Counsellor
A Surrogate Spanking

Male Member


Posts: 162
#3 | Posted: 19 Apr 2023 12:41
@ WeddingBee
You got me confused for a moment.
I can't read without spectacles anymore and that made me read caning instead of caring. y mind tells me there is nothing kind about caning but at least the caned will be nervous.
So far I have only read the tip of the iceberg

Boxley's Bounteous Bangers from BashfulBob
Naomi's Very Bad Day... from Jonathan Franklin

and you can also read Goodgulf's stories he for sure has a lot kind character

Male Author


Posts: 414
#4 | Posted: 19 Apr 2023 15:39
I have a few you might enjoy:

The Principal Needs Help Part 6
Paddle Making
Memories Part 4
A Tale of Three Paddlings

Male Author


Posts: 2035
#5 | Posted: 20 Apr 2023 00:14
A lot of the Spank Shops contain these elements. A couple of standalones are The First Time and Where There’s Smoke.

Male Author


Posts: 215
#6 | Posted: 20 Apr 2023 01:01
I have a few you might like. Cheaters Never Win. and Three Over the Knee might fit that bill.

Male Author


Posts: 659
#7 | Posted: 20 Apr 2023 13:19
It doesn't completely fit your criteria, but I strongly recommend Artofzee's story" in 2037 part two"
The heroine is caught speeding and is caned in a very humane but painful way while conversing with the caner. I really like this story.

Male Author

Posts: 1036
#8 | Posted: 20 Apr 2023 20:54
I hope most of my spankers (but not all!) are considerate, but I guess the only story that may be said to fit the description is "A Thief of Sorts".

Male Author


Posts: 666
#9 | Posted: 20 Apr 2023 23:33
My (very) short story 'Spicy Food' might count, and possibly 'A Good Working Relationship', though in that one it's the spanker who starts off nervous!
Sir Cambornek

Male Author


Posts: 1886
#10 | Posted: 21 Apr 2023 02:36
here are a few of my stories that kind of fit:
The Assistant (Version 1)
The Assistant (Version 2)
Cared Enough - closest fit to what you're asking about.
Christmas Across The County Line
An Early Christmas Present
Everything She Wants To Know - Part 1
Everything She Wants To Know - Part 2
A Good Hand Spanking
The Guest
The Hairbrush - A Regretted Gift
Home Made Wine
Jennifer to Jenny
The Makeup
On Vacation
One Last Smokes Run
The Ottoman
The Project
A Realistic Story Of The 80s
The Rest Stop
Santa's Helper
A Scared Straight Tour
Summer With The Relatives
A Tribute - Version I
A Tribute - Version II - basically the same story with a switch in genders
You Bet Your Butt

But I could be wrong about a couple of them fitting your request, and I might have missed a few.

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