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Question about seeking to commision (pay for) a custom story

Female Member


Posts: 7
#1 | Posted: 6 Jan 2022 02:27
Hello, I don't know where to post my question about searching for an author willing to do a custom story?
so, I guessed the help desk was the best place to start.

I am wanting to have a custom spanking story written, and willing to pay for the privilege? Is this out of bounds?

Thank you!


Male Member

Posts: 246
#2 | Posted: 6 Jan 2022 05:19
I'm the resident cynic, so I'll caution to not pay in full. Pàypal has some sort of commission payment deal for just such a project, but you still have to be careful because you can prepay them with one misstep. That said, it's not impossible thatsomeone mighttake half the money and run. They would be burning theirbridges with paypal, but...

Paypal doesn't want to know that what is being paid for is porn, so just don't alert them about it.

That said, instead of keeping everyone in the dark, you might want to let us in on the details. Orientation? ages? story length? Those are the sort of details that writers want to know before volunteering as some might balk at a long story length, or get squicked over the age of the spankee.
You might also want to consider what your intention for the story is. Do you intend to sell it, or allow the writer to do the same?

Male Author

Posts: 1041
#3 | Posted: 6 Jan 2022 06:17
My first, cynical reaction is that with so many good writers there are in here you could probably get your story for free unless your specifications are really strict and strange. (Sorry to ruin the market, guys!)

Male Author


Posts: 1173
#4 | Posted: 6 Jan 2022 07:09
My first, cynical reaction is that with so many good writers there are in here you could probably get your story for free unless your specifications are really strict and strange. (Sorry to ruin the market, guys!)

I've seen requests for general types of stories which end up being met (for free) by Library authors, however of course if there are specific requirements in terms of characters, plotline, setting, length, etc., then hiring somebody to write a particular story might work best.

Obviously, the client should check out some of any considered writer's works in this Library, to determine if that author's writing style works for the story which he/she is commisioning... --C.K.

Female Head Librarian


Posts: 2140
#5 | Posted: 6 Jan 2022 15:34
Hello, I don't know where to post my question about searching for an author willing to do a custom story?
so, I guessed the help desk was the best place to start.

I am wanting to have a custom spanking story written, and willing to pay for the privilege? Is this out of bounds?

Thank you!


I'm of the same opine as some of the other comentators in that I'm sure you could have your story done for free, providing the author was comfortable with content requirements, and retained ownership of the story which would presumably be based on your ideas. Good luck with it.

Female Member


Posts: 7
#6 | Posted: 6 Jan 2022 22:48
Oh my goodness, Thank you all for all of the great replies, I am trying to master this platform and still learning how to reply individually! pardon my lack of tech skills!
This forum has been a wonderful discovery and I am enjoying my time here- everyone has been so nice!

I Am searching for a certain story that I believe was eaten by the VOY forums years ago and if I can't find the original as I said I'm willing to pay to have it rewritten for me with a few changes my own.

Essentially a accountant or consultant takes a temporary job at a southern school comes face-to-face with the fact that the school uses corporal punishment. After some preliminaries and discussion the principal arranges a practical demonstration of how they do it there, almost reminiscent of the Cindy regresses to high school stories but with no pretense. This is the adults that paddle giving a hands-on tutorial to the newbie regarding how they practice corporal punishment. A lot of build up in a little actual paddling.

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