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How to maintain unlimited viewing capability

Male Tech Support


Posts: 2226
#1 | Posted: 22 Feb 2013 14:30
With the site now containing just short of 21,000 items of spanking fiction there really should be something of interest for almost everyone and with an unlimited viewing capability plenty of time to explore the library's content. However, there are a couple of things to observe that will ensure you maintain your unlimited viewing privileges:

1. Commenting. The LSF isn't a site like many on the internet where you can lurk indefinitely. It's a community site in which those who build and maintain the site and assist in its running coupled with those who provide their written works for free, expect the occasional comment on the items being read. No-one is expecting an in-depth essay, merely a remark or two or what they liked or didn't like about the story. The level of commenting required is extremely small indeed (currently 1 comment every 500 views but likely to change in the near future).

2. Flicking. The LSF provides a whole host of information about each item usually within a day or two of it being loaded which enables the reader to determine if it's likely to be of interest to them or not. Whilst we fully appreciate that not every item opened for viewing will be suitable, continually flicking through items after just a few seconds places a heavy load on the server and will eventually result in your account being suspended.

3. Messaging. Occasionally one of the site admins may send you a 'popup' message. In these situations we expect you to do us the courtesy of replying rather than simply ignoring us. If you repeatedly ignore our messages your account will be suspended.

4. Multiple applications. If, rather than making a comment every 500 items viewed, you simply re-apply to join the site with a different user name in order to avoid commenting you are likely to find your original account suspended and your subsequent applications rejected.

5. Although it's not going to directly help in maintaining an unlimited viewing capability we strongly recommend that you take the time to read the Help and About sections of the site so that you at least have a basic understanding of how it works and in doing so will be able to get the most out of it.

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