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Stories bordering abuse

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Male Author

Posts: 50
#1 | Posted: 25 Sep 2014 17:06
I've had the misfortune recently of finding stories about unfair punishment - often so harsh that they cross the line of being abusive. The first one I just dismissed as being not my kind of story, but this past couple of weeks I keep stumbling into them. Believe me I'm not looking for them! At first I refrained from commenting but the latest couple of stories were so harsh that I couldn't help giving them a piece of my mind. I wonder if any of you have had similar experiences.

Male Author

Posts: 301
#2 | Posted: 25 Sep 2014 17:46
I have seen one lately and you commented on this one. So did I. The writing was done very well but the contents of the story were very disturbing. I guess I wasn't aware of other stories of a similar nature.

Male Author

Posts: 1697
#3 | Posted: 25 Sep 2014 18:21
There are stories that I find of the abusive nature that other readers find erotic and exciting. I have this mind structure of what I call a Fictional/Reality. What that means is what would hold up in fiction would truly not hold up in real life without someone going to jail. I've written a few myself (not a child being abused, but more so a woman), and I've been called out on it. I've made comments on stories regarding this, and I simply say it seems to be a 'Bit Over The Top,' as I put it. Reality has left the building if you will.

However, these stories are all fictional. Don't be too harsh on the author. It's simply their thing. I've read stories where men (mostly in F/M stories) take a horrible beating. Not by one person, but by three or four. I have to laugh at times because in my Fictional/Reality world this person would probably go into major shock. Once again, it's fiction and these things don't happen very often in a fictional story. This is unless it's my 16 part series Involuntary Manslaughter And Wrongful Death. Yes, he goes into shock and dies.

Yes, some stories are disturbing, and it makes one wonder if a person actually condones this type of thing, but I doubt it. Don't take them too seriously. Comment as you will involving the punishment, but know that it's just a work of fiction. These stories are well written by a good writer. Everyone has a dark side in their life. Not meaning they're bad or evil, just that they don't always walk around smiling. On these days when they write, including myself, this is what you get. If a story bothers you that much just don't finish reading it and, remember the old saying: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. However, 99.9 percent of the LSF's authors Do Not take offense at a negative comment, including me. It's what I planted and it's what I grew.

Strictly my opinion and nothing more.

Male Author


Posts: 680
#4 | Posted: 25 Sep 2014 19:17
As the writer of one of the stories referred to, I'm sorry if it caused offence, but lots of fiction is shocking or disturbing. I hoped the title would warn people it had rather a dark theme. The main idea of the story, as far as I was concerned, was how easy it is for basically decent, well-meaning people to be manipulated by someone who is utterly unscrupulous into going along with something bad. Of course that does not mean I condone what happened in the story. To think that would be similar to thinking an actor has the same morals as a character they play! A story is not a manifesto, it is just an exploration of a hypothetical situation.

Male Author


Posts: 410
#5 | Posted: 25 Sep 2014 19:22
Some good points here. I was reminded that I once wrote a (non-spanking) story about a man who killed his ex-wife's divorce lawyer. I thought it was better than if I actually killed my ex-wife's divorce lawyer.

Male Author

Posts: 318
#6 | Posted: 25 Sep 2014 20:09
I remember reading a story as an impressionable teenager which was quite traumatising - there was a drowning, poisoning and several stabbings involved, some of the deaths were undeserved and even involved quite young women which was pretty harsh. In fact, there was hardly anybody left alive at the end! But unfortunately I had to study it for my English exams, it was called "Hamlet". But I don't think this kind of dark, disturbing stuff appeals to many normal people and I doubt that the author will ever catch on.

Female Member

Posts: 306
#7 | Posted: 25 Sep 2014 20:50
I love stories with unfair and harsh punishments as long as it is fiction.
@mobile_carrot: Thanks for the warning.

Male Author

Posts: 697
#8 | Posted: 25 Sep 2014 21:00
Quite a few of my stories are abusive. They are written for pure titillation, and should not be taken as condoning or romanticizing the acts depicted. Erotic fiction takes place in a dreamscape where the rules are simply different.

Male Tech Support


Posts: 2226
#9 | Posted: 25 Sep 2014 21:05
Clearly there are some stories which we might consider unsuitable for loading but we also need to remember this is the Library of Spanking Fiction and not the Library of Spanking Erotica. Although I'm sure the majority of stories may represent erotica (depending obviously on what the individual reader finds erotic) there's plenty of scope for the non-erotic too and it's all too easy to simply close down a story which isn't to one's taste and move on to the next. Criticising a fictional story because harsh or undeserved things took place within it doesn't really make a lot of sense to me.

Male Author

Posts: 631
#10 | Posted: 25 Sep 2014 21:12
I remember reading a story as an impressionable teenager which was quite traumatising - there was a drowning, poisoning and several stabbings involved, some of the deaths were undeserved and even involved quite young women which was pretty harsh. In fact, there was hardly anybody left alive at the end! But unfortunately I had to study it for my English exams, it was called "Hamlet". But I don't think this kind of dark, disturbing stuff appeals to many normal people and I doubt that the author will ever catch on.

Point well made! In fact, many if not most of Shakespeare's plays are rather disturbingly violent if one doesn't consider the context (the place and time in history and the public demand for this kind of drama). Now we consider him a genius and perhaps the best writer in the English language. I know there are controversies over whether he actually wrote his plays; that's not the issue. Even today, the TV show "Sons of Anarchy" is clearly based on Hamlet, and is exceedingly and disturbingly violent (but greatly entertaining IMO). One wonders if Shakespeare were an author on the LSF and wrote spanking stories, what kind of harsh, unjust or abusive treatment people might suffer and how much outrage this might cause commentors. I think some might disapprove of some elements of a story and be entitled to comment that's it's "over the top" or some such but it IS a fiction site and questioning someone's motives or morality, especially in a hurtful or hostile way is what's "over the top" I mean if you don't like it and feel compelled to explain it's because of harshness or unjustness, or anything else, that's cool but none of us are forced to read (or approve of) anything on this site, except for the administrators, of course.

Just my opinion. No offense...

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