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Male Author

Posts: 124
#41 | Posted: 27 Jul 2011 19:52
I have to admit I'm stumped as to why some readers, who obviously like what they are reading--- because they devour one story after another(you can actually see this happen if you page through "latest read")---and never say a word to the author.

Perhaps because they have nothing in particular to say. I like to believe that I am reasonably not inarticulate and God knows that I enjoy reading spanking stories, but I read, and enjoy, many more than I comment on. Otherwise I would be reduced to "nice story" or some attempt to camouflage "nice story" or some comment tat shows I got the point of the story, "I see, she thought she had gotten away with torturing the school mascot, but she got caught and was spanked at school and will be spanked again when she gets home."

I, at least, do not have an insightful comment to make on every story I enjoy, or even a sizeable minority of them.

Male Tech Support


Posts: 2226
#42 | Posted: 27 Jul 2011 20:08
I agree with Sebastian. 0.2% seems terribly low. And maybe it was a lot less before that rule was implemented.

The rate of commenting prior to introducing the limited accounts for those with a stories viewed to comments made ratio of over 500:1 was extremely low indeed. The number of comments for the three months leading up to the change were:

2010 February: 384
2010 March: 388
2010 April: 336

When the number of comments dropped by over 50 from March 2010 to April 2010 I decided that we really had to try and do something about it.

Male Member

Posts: 938
#43 | Posted: 27 Jul 2011 20:09
I, at least, do not have an insightful comment to make on every story I enjoy,

Well, I have to say that feedback, any feedback at all, is valuable to an author. It doesn't have to be insightful.

Male Member

Posts: 825
#44 | Posted: 27 Jul 2011 20:10
I am still trying to figure out why I didn't make comments on many stories that I had read. I know one reason is because I started on a series (part one) and I figured that I would get back to commenting, right before I started on part two. I never got to part two. Now, I am trying to find these stories that I never commented. Difficult job. I would have to go through each author. But there are still single stories that I never commented. Where are they?????

Male Author

Posts: 1015
#45 | Posted: 27 Jul 2011 20:36
They exist in an alternative universe where everything written on this site actually happens.

Male Member

Posts: 1686
#46 | Posted: 27 Jul 2011 21:33

Just can read about 985,000 stories without a further comment! That should be good for at least 6 months don't you think?

Male Author


Posts: 2981
#47 | Posted: 28 Jul 2011 00:06
I'm stumped as to why some readers, who obviously like what they are reading--- because they devour one story after another---and never say a word to the author.

Some people just take, take, take and never give back.

Perhaps because they have nothing in particular to say.

That hasn't stopped me!!!

Just can read about 985,000 stories without a further comment!

Looks like Sebastian has a life-time pass!

When the number of comments dropped by over 50 from March 2010 to April 2010 I decided that we really had to try and do something about it.

And it's a good thing that it was more successful than my feeble attempt.

Male Author

Posts: 124
#48 | Posted: 28 Jul 2011 16:58
Some people just take, take, take and never give back.

Perhaps because they have nothing in particular to say.

That hasn't stopped me!!!

OK, I have now been chastised by both Rollin and NJR for suggesting that non-commenters may simply not be able to, at least not without great effort, be able to comment on stories, or at least not comment in a way which would pass Februs' "nice story" doesn't count criterion. But in my defense I would point out that both these esteemed gentlemen are authors and pretty damned good ones at that. Discussing somebody's else's story in a meaningful way is a relatively trivial task for them. Not so for everybody. Consider if Picasso, during his lifetime, had demanded that those who viewed his pictures should send him a sketch. "Of course," he would think, "a mere sketch is hardly anything to ask of somebody drawing the benefit of seeing my pictures."

I sympathize with the desire for ego stroking which comes from an "attaboy/girl" but I find that my own enormous ego can be more than satisfied with the knowledge that somany hundred people have read what I write.

Male Tech Support


Posts: 2226
#49 | Posted: 28 Jul 2011 17:09
Discussing somebody's else's story in a meaningful way is a relatively trivial task for them. Not so for everybody. Consider if Picasso, during his lifetime, had demanded that those who viewed his pictures should send him a sketch. "Of course," he would think, "a mere sketch is hardly anything to ask of somebody drawing the benefit of seeing my pictures."

I think this is an invalid comparison and does not relate to what is being asked of readers. As I see it there are two extremes, saying "nice story" repeatedly and providing an in-depth analysis or review of what they have read. All that is being asked of people is to make a meaningful comment or at least a comment which suggests they've actually read the story (and yes we've had people comment "nice story" on stories they haven't even read). The comment doesn't have to be insightful or eloquent or offer some in-depth analysis of the characters' motivations within the story. If someone thought the story was "nice" or "good" then presumably there must have been reasons for that so why not simply say why they thought it was an enjoyable read. On top of which they're only being asked to do this once every 500 items read - hardly onerous.

Male Member

Posts: 938
#50 | Posted: 28 Jul 2011 17:22
If someone thought the story was "nice" or "good" then presumably there must have been reasons for that so why not simply say why they thought it was an enjoyable read. On top of which they're only being asked to do this once every 500 items read - hardly onerous.

My point exactly. Thank you.

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